In a heart-wrenching tragedy that has rocked Long Island, a young boy’s life was tragically cut short in a wrong-way crash, allegedly caused by his own mother, Kerri Bedrick, who was reportedly impaired at the time of the accident. The 9-year-old boy, Eli D. Henrys, was described by his heartbroken grandmother as the “center of his mother’s world.”

The fatal crash occurred in the early hours of Thursday on the Southern State Parkway, leaving a trail of devastation and raising serious questions about the circumstances that led to this horrific event. According to authorities, Kerri Bedrick, 32, was driving her Mitsubishi SUV the wrong way on the parkway near the Islip exit. She had been attempting to evade a traffic stop by a Suffolk County deputy sheriff when the tragedy unfolded.

As Bedrick sped into oncoming traffic, her vehicle collided head-on with another car with such force that the engine was thrown from the SUV into the woods. The violent impact killed young Eli, who was found buckled in the back seat. Despite the best efforts of medics and New York state troopers, Eli succumbed to his injuries at the hospital.

Bedrick, who survived the crash with non-life-threatening injuries, now faces a litany of charges, including aggravated driving while impaired. The drivers of the other vehicles involved in the crash also sustained injuries, but none were life-threatening, according to state police.

In the wake of this unimaginable loss, Diane Bedrick, Eli’s grandmother, spoke to the press about the deep bond between her daughter and grandson. “She loves him so much,” Diane said, struggling to reconcile her daughter’s actions with the love she knew Kerri had for Eli. “He was such a sweet boy and had a long life ahead of him,” she told Newsday, adding that Eli was “everything to her.”

Diane revealed that her daughter had been grappling with medical issues and was on prescription medication, which she believes may have played a role in the tragic crash. While the exact details of these medical issues have not been disclosed, the possibility that they contributed to Kerri’s impaired state raises troubling concerns about how such situations are managed and the potential consequences for innocent lives.

Video footage published by local outlets showed Bedrick, appearing groggy and disoriented, being escorted from the hospital by police. She was later arraigned and is being held on $1 million bail.

This devastating incident serves as a stark reminder of the dangers of impaired driving and the tragic consequences that can arise when those behind the wheel are not in full control of their faculties. It also underscores the need for vigilance in addressing the factors that can lead to such tragedies—whether they be medical issues, substance abuse, or other challenges.

As the community mourns the loss of young Eli, there are calls for justice and a deeper examination of how this tragedy could have been prevented. For now, the focus remains on the heartbreaking loss of a young life full of potential, and the grief of a family shattered by an unfathomable act.