Leeza Pearson’s heart was full of love for her four-year-old daughter, Natalie. But this affection quickly turned to worry when the little girl returned home from school ravenous each day despite Leeza always preparing enough food. The mystery unfolded as she discovered that Natalie attended Children’s Academy in Aurora, Colorado – where there wasn’t nearly enough nutrition available for all the children attending!
Despite the fact that Natalie never seemed to be full after coming home each day, Leeza could not figure out what was wrong. She filled her lunch bag with nourishing meals and even added a few extra snacks like Oreo cookies – yet somehow she still felt famished on an everyday basis. Leeza Pearson was appalled to learn that her daughter had been coming home from school ravenous, and further investigation uncovered the teacher’s inappropriate interference with her lunch. The fact that Oreo cookies were being taken away as they weren’t deemed a nutritious snack really incensed Leeza, who feels strongly that Children’s Academy should issue an apology for their unprofessional conduct towards her child.
Ultimately, Natalie arrived home with a note from her teacher – it seemed the educator had meddled in Natalie’s lunch to remove some Oreo cookies because they were not considered nutritionally satisfactory for school.
“Dear Parents, it is very important that all students have a nutritious lunch,” as Life Aspire reported, the note stated. “This is a public school setting, and all children are required to have a fruit, a vegetable, and a heavy snack from home, along with milk. If they have potatoes, the child will also need bread to go along with it. Lunchables, chips, fruit snacks, and peanut butter are not considered to be healthy snacks. This is a very important part of our program, and we need everyone’s participation.”
Leeza couldn’t believe that the teacher was trying to micromanage what she provided as a snack for her child. She is doing the best she can as a parent and doesn’t need her child’s teacher adding additional stress to her already overwhelming life.
“They don’t provide lunch for my daughter,” Leeza stated. “I provide lunch. It’s between the doctor and me in terms of what’s healthy for her.”
Leeza was both open to advice and recommendations for healthier snacks her daughter could bring to school, but she found the teacher’s attitude towards her child’s lunch insulting. Therefore, she demands that the Children’s Academy apologizes to both herself and her daughter for their unprofessionalism.
When the story spread on social media, many parents agreed with Leeza. They thought it was unfair for the teacher to force her daughter to go hungry daily instead of simply discussing food choices with her mother.
What are your thoughts on this school lunch controversy?