In a riveting segment on “Fox & Friends” on Tuesday, April 23, renowned fitness guru Jillian Michaels made waves with her unwavering stance on the undeniable advantages transgender athletes have in women’s sports. Despite any attempts at level playing fields through hormone therapy, Michaels stood firm on the premise that the evidence is clear.

The discussion was jumpstarted by a group of female middle school athletes from West Virginia who took a powerful stand by boycotting a track meet event. Their bold act of protest stemmed from the inclusion of a transgender athlete in the competition.

Michaels weighed in on the tricky balance between fairness and inclusion in sports, stating, “Sports present a unique challenge with two conflicting principles at play. While it’s essential to embrace inclusivity, one cannot ignore the crucial aspect of ensuring fair competition.”

Expanding on her argument, Michaels highlighted the indisputable data that showcases the physical advantages biological males possess in women’s sports. She emphasized, “If fairness is the ultimate goal, we must rely on data, which unequivocally proves that biological males hold a significant edge in strength, speed, endurance, and overall athletic prowess.”

While acknowledging the effects of hormone therapy, Michaels dismissed any significant impact it might have on performance, labeling it as “negligible.” She pointed out, “Numerous studies support the view that even with hormonal interventions, the decrease in physical capabilities is minimal at best. This is backed by solid scientific evidence.”

Illustrating her point with a striking example, Michaels referenced a study on grip strength, revealing that a biological male transgender female outperformed a biological female transgender male by 17% despite both being on hormone treatments.

Meanwhile, OutKick host Charly Arnolt also chimed in during the Fox & Friends segment, expressing deep concern for the middle school girls in West Virginia who took a stand against unfair competition. Arnolt commended their brave act, stressing the importance of challenging the status quo for the greater good.

She lauded the girls for their courage and stated, “Their refusal to compete sends a powerful message that demands attention from all quarters, especially following the recent federal appeals court decision lifting the ban on transgender athletes in female sports in West Virginia.” Arnolt stressed the necessity of such actions, saying, “It’s the only way to prompt a reevaluation of existing policies and practices to ensure fairness and equal opportunities.”