In a digital bombshell that has set tongues wagging, UPS driver Skyler Stutzman, representing the hardworking heartland of Millersburg, Oregon, has lifted the veil on his weekly earnings via TikTok. With over 11.9 million views and counting, Stutzman’s post has sent shockwaves through the online community, offering an intimate peek into his paycheck and leaving viewers wide-eyed at the numbers.

Stutzman, a TikTok luminary with a sizable following, kicked off his video by championing the virtues of transparency in income disclosure across various professions. He extolled the virtues of creators who pull back the curtain on their earnings, serving up a dose of reality for their audience.

The disclosed pay stub showcased a weekly earnings tally of $2,004.98, with Uncle Sam taking his share at $487.49, and other deductions totaling $204.25. After the inevitable financial haircut, Stutzman’s net earnings for the week clocked in at $1,313.24. These figures swiftly debunked any myths surrounding the earning potential of a UPS driver.

But the real eye-opener came with the breakdown of Stutzman’s hourly wage. Revealing his current rate at a robust $44.26 per hour, Stutzman elucidated that this sum wasn’t static. His income received a significant boost from regular overtime and production bonuses, soaring to an impressive $42.76 per hour. With a staggering 1,735 hours logged over the year, Stutzman’s annual haul tallied a handsome $76,243, averaging out to around $44 per hour.

The video wrapped up with Stutzman hoping that his revelations struck a chord with viewers. And strike a chord it did. TikTok users were floored by the earning potential of a UPS driver, with many half-jokingly considering a career switch. One user quipped, “Maybe I should hop on the UPS wagon!”

Others couldn’t help but contrast Stutzman’s earnings with their own, despite decades of experience and a diploma to boot. The sentiment reverberated across the platform, with many contemplating their career choices.

In a subsequent video, Stutzman peeled back the layers of his journey to becoming a top-tier UPS driver. From his humble beginnings at the age of 18 in September 2008 to navigating a one-week driving school and a nerve-racking 30-day trial period, Stutzman’s ascent was anything but overnight. It took nearly a decade of toil and determination to clinch the coveted position.

Stutzman’s TikTok exposé has cast a spotlight on the earning potential within the UPS ranks, sparking a nationwide dialogue across professions. It’s a timely reminder that the grass may indeed be greener, even in unexpected fields, underscoring the need for candid conversations about wages and career paths.