A social media influencer who has amassed a following of more than seven million people on TikTok recently posted a video pleading with her viewers for money. The reason? She claims to have “accidentally” bought a $100,000 couch and now doesn’t want to get a job” to help pay for it. 21-year-old Quenlin Blackwell begged her followers for money to help pay for an expensive couch she had bought, all while using TikTok.
The influencer carelessly entered her credit card information for an expensive couch as a “joke,” but was still charged full-price. She is now asking people to donate money so she can afford the unaffordable mistake she made. In addition to free handouts, the TikTok star also asked to borrow money from caring strangers because getting an actual job and paying off the couch makes her feel physically sick.
The Los Angeles influencer was in tears on camera after she made an expensive purchase. She told her followers that it was all a big mistake and that she had entered her credit card information as a joke on the online auction site, without realizing that she would place the winning bid for a crappy piece of furniture.
The video, captioned “I accidentally bought a $100,000 couch,” has racked up more than 6.8 million views. In it, the emotional TikTok user begs her followers to hand over boatloads of cash so she can pay off her debts and stay on TikTok instead of getting a real job.
The TikTok star begged her followers for money between cries and sobs, saying she needed the funds to pay for a couch instead of having to get a job herself.
“I almost crashed my car when I saw it; if you have a million dollars, could you please donate? If you have a billion dollars, can you let me borrow some, please?”
As a follow-up to the first video, Quenlin Betteridge explains that she won’t be refunded for the couch by auction website.
The young TikTok star is now planning to create an OnlyFans website in order to make enough money to afford the couch they don’t want.
“I don’t want to, but I’m going to have to” create the account, she said sobbing. She explained that in addition to paying for the expensive couch, she also needed to replace a side mirror on her car and do some dental work.
“I don’t want to do a job. I’m about to throw up because I know they didn’t refund me,” she stated. “I’m not passionate about working. I’m passionate about being comfortable and not doing s***. I’m hot. I’m pretty. I’m smart. I’m cool. I should get what I want in this world.”