No one is going to argue with the fact that Tom Jones has come to be known as one of the best singers in the world & after more than 15 years of regaling the world with his voice of angels, he is still going strong. But that might be poised to change if this new story is to be believed. Reports indicate that Jones has recently canceled some of his tour dates due to being under the weather. Is not quite clear what exactly he has but the doctors have revealed that it is some sort of bacterial infection. They are doing all they can to treat him at the hospital but it is not known whether he will be able to beat it or not. In light of this, many of his fans have come out in full force to pray for his effective & speedy recovery as they await any kind of update on the legendary 81-year-old singer.
He was all set to do a concert at the Chester Racecourse but had to cancel due to the fact that he had to go to the hospital. He has since been able to reschedule for the 12th but whether the show will go on or not remains to be seen. He has said all the tickets for this event are still valid & he hopes to be at full strength by then so as not to let down his fans. He has deep regrets about not being able to perform at all the places he was to appear but his fans understand that his health is the most important thing. He does have several more dates lined up after Chester but as for whether he will be able to make it to them, it seems only time will tell. His tour has him appearing all over the world from Germany to Finland & of course the UK. As it happens, this is not the first time he has had to cancel due to a health issue. Back in 2017, he was forced to put the kibosh on his US summer tour to have hip replacement surgery.
He was able to come back from this but now this new development has the fans more worried than ever as they send their best thoughts & prayers to the musical legend. Of course, it is no secret that he has been a mainstay in the music biz ever since the mid 60’s but even beyond that, he has become known as a very personable guy. They have said it can be difficult to come back from this kind of infection at 81 but he is determined to fight to the very end to ensure that he does not let his fans down. One of the press was quick to note that while he has had a long & successful career, this might be a sign that it is time for him to retire & let some of the younger singers take his place. It is not clear at the moment if he has any plans to do that but as, it stands right now, he does not seem to want to slow down anytime soon & will stop at nothing to ensure that the show does go on.