Jaelynn Chaney, a plus-size content creator, is requesting free seats from airlines to have more space and be comfortable while flying. She has started a petition among fat travelers, and her list of demands from airlines and the FAA is growing. She is urging the FAA and airlines to take steps to ensure that plus-size travelers are not forced to squeeze into small seats or pay for an additional seat to accommodate their size while flying.

Chaney is a content creator who specializes in lifestyle and is based in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. According to her, the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) of the United States needs to improve its efforts to safeguard plus-size travelers and ensure that coach flights are more “comfortable and accessible for everyone,” including overweight passengers.

“As plus-size travelers, my partner and I have unfortunately experienced discrimination and discomfort while flying,” her petition reads. According to Daily Mail’s report on Saturday afternoon, the petition created by the Vancouver influencer had received signatures from 4,300 individuals worldwide.

Chaney’s pro-fat flyer petition is causing controversy and some people are unhappy with it. She continued, “All plus-size passengers should be provided with an extra free seat, or even two or three seats depending on their size, to accommodate their needs and ensure their comfort during the flight.”

Chaney suggests that airlines should refund travelers who need to purchase an extra seat to fit on a plane. She also suggests that the cost of the refund should be covered by other travelers who don’t require extra seats and are not as large as those who need them.

“Airlines should offer a refund for plus-size passengers who purchase additional seats independently. This should be a straightforward process that can be accessed online or through customer service.”

“They say it’s not fair to the person who has to sit next me if I don’t,” the text on one of her viral videos read. “When I tell them I do, they say I’m selfish for taking a seat from another (person who wanted to travel).”

Chaney thinks that larger passengers often experience mistreatment during travel, and they should no longer have to endure such treatment.

“This mistreatment of plus-size passengers is unacceptable, and it highlights the urgent need for better policies that protect the dignity and rights of all passengers, regardless of size,” she wrote. “Unfortunately, plus-size passengers often experience discomfort and discrimination when flying. The lack of a uniform customer-of-size airline policy is unacceptable and must be addressed.”

Should airlines provide more space for plus-size travelers in your opinion?