Renowned comedian Matt Rife finds himself embroiled in controversy once again, this time over a questionable interaction involving a 6-year-old child. The backlash against Rife erupted in the wake of his latest Netflix special, “Natural Selection,” which aired last November.
Known for his edgy humor, Rife kicked off his special with jokes on sensitive topics like domestic violence, immediately setting a divisive tone. His humor didn’t stop there, taking aim at women’s interests such as astrology and crystals. His remarks on astrology, in particular, struck a nerve: “I’m tired of women blaming their decisions on planets that don’t even know them. Let’s face it: Astrology isn’t a blueprint for life; your destiny lies in your own hands.”
Continuing his comedic tirade, he quipped, “Don’t look to Jupiter for advice just because it has a ring and you don’t. That’s not how life works,” evoking laughter from the audience. However, a snippet of his astrological banter made its rounds on social media, prompting users to tag Bunny Hedaya, a prominent TikTok personality known for her interest in space and astronomy, especially given her 6-year-old son’s fascination with the subject.
In response, Bunny ingeniously stitched together Rife’s comedy clip with her son’s astute correction in a video shared across Instagram and TikTok. Her son politely interjects, “Actually, Saturn has the rings, and more of them,” before adding, “And you’re unkind to girls,” presumably referencing Rife’s earlier controversial jokes on domestic violence. Bunny clarified that the video was meant to be lighthearted, but Rife evidently failed to see the humor.
Allegedly, Rife left a comment on Bunny’s son’s Instagram account, stating, “Jupiter also boasts rings. Oh!… and Santa isn’t real. Your mom buys you gifts with the money she earns from OnlyFans. Cheers.” Bunny refuted any involvement in explicit online content and criticized Rife’s remarks as indicative of a misogynistic attitude, unable to appreciate women beyond superficial attributes.
This latest debacle further fuels the controversy surrounding Rife’s Netflix special, already under scrutiny for its insensitive content. It underscores the growing influence of social media in holding public figures accountable for their actions, even when involving young children. As the fallout unfolds, it prompts reflection on the responsibility of comedians and public figures to weigh the impact of their words, especially on impressionable audiences.
In the era of social media activism, every post and comment can spark a wildfire of controversy, revealing the intricate dynamics between humor, responsibility, and societal values.