The problem of headaches among teenagers is similar to that of toddlers: their silliness and tantrums, as well as the fact that they are teenagers. The period when one is considered free and impulsive generally entails making decisions that will last a long time later.

Because of this, some adolescents that commit unlawful acts are not chastised, while others are rewarded.

Two teenagers were seen on camera, as shown by nearby security footage, urging their dog to savagely attack a defenseless cat. Many people have condemned the act as outright depravity, an action that has outraged many.

The cat known as Sully is a member of a Welsh family, and he was a cutie beloved by the Welsh community and neighbors in his neighborhood. He was a lovely little cat up until the assault began, but everything changed soon after.

After the dog mauled him, the cat may have had a difficult time finding food. However, it was not entirely due to the Dog’s fault that he suffered this tragedy.

According to the authorities, two offenders and a 12-month referral order have been identified in the video. The 15-year-old boy and the 17-year-old male were charged with crime. Their involvement was immediate upon examination of the footage.

The youngsters committed another inhumane act when they didn’t know when to quit, as seen in the footage, and paraded the cat’s body before throwing it over a fence that was close by. Fortunately, because there was a security camera on the block, they would not be able to get away with their actions.

Sully’s owner was not concerned when the cat vanished, since it had become a habit for him to do so. However, after reviewing the family’s security camera, they were shocked to discover that their treasured pet had been assaulted.

In an interview with Mail Online, the owner expressed his sorrow and referred to Sully as a beloved member of his family. The harsh punishment the cat was subjected to was a humiliation. The owner added that while people loved him around the neighborhood, he was one that everyone adored. He would often sit along the road and individuals would stroke him when they passed by.

They aggressively attacked the cat before edging their dog on, then violently assaulted the cat and later dragged their dog while encouraging him to harm the cat. The cat’s age caused him to buckle under the strain of so much hatred.

Some may have believed that the dog went beneath the automobile only and did not attack the cat, but they would be quickly disillusioned as the film demonstrated the dog chasing after the cat before the murder occurred.

Gemma Cooper, an RSPCA trainer, was quoted as saying that he is disgusted by the kids’ deliberate act for the sake of entertainment.

The cat’s owner was furious and sad, as he explained how he would cope with the aftermath of the tragedy to him, it felt like one of his children had been assaulted.