The average age of a woman to have a baby is between 20 to 30 years old depending on what country you are from. However, those women who struggle to get pregnant due to infertility may need to seek other options to have the child they have always dreamed about. Many women have resorted to other methods of having children such as adoption, in-vitro fertilization and surrogacy. When it comes to surrogacy, many women will seek out someone close to them or go through a professional agency for assistance in carrying a child. Some women do not get the chance to enter motherhood well into their 40’s or even 50’s.

If you were struggling to conceive, would you take the chance and ask your mother or mother in law to carry a child for you? Well, a 51-year-old woman carried her own grandchild after her daughter failed to conceive and after trying for many years her daughter Breanna and her husband Aaron, finally got the chance to have the child they always dreamed about. Many parents will go out of their way and do whatever it takes to make their child happy. Breanna’s mother definitely stayed true to that and went through many milestones to help her daughter live the dream into motherhood.

Breanna and her husband Aaron struggled to have a child, suffering multiple miscarriages, and went through many in vitro fertilization’s however, they all failed. Although IVF has a good success rate, there are times in which it can still fail due to age. Women younger than 35 years old have a 54.4% chance of a live birth per egg and as you get older, the chances decrease. When Breanna’s mother, Julie saw her struggle, she offered to carry a baby for her. Breanna has previously gone through 8 IVF frozen embryo transfers, 4 failed embryo transfers, and many more procedures to try and have a child.

The two worked with Dr. Brian Kaplan in Illinois who recommended finding a close friend or family member to carry the child. Julie has run 19 marathons and was in excellent shape physically and mentally to carry the child. She had two prior healthy pregnancies that were all-natural. Although Julie had two prior pregnancies she needed a c-section with this pregnancy. The baby, who Breanna and Aaron named Briar, had her umbilical cord wrapped around her neck risking the delivery and safety of the baby. As a result, it was important to keep her safe and do a c-section. Other than this, the delivery went well and Briar and Julie are healthy as can be. It has been an emotional rollercoaster since the day Briar was born. Breanna praised her mother for doing such a wonderful job carrying and delivering Briar.