Every dog has its day — and today, it seems, is hers.

In an unconventional twist that’s raising eyebrows and wagging tails, Twitch streamer Meow Dalyn, hailing from the US, has unveiled her unique preference for living life as a dog. And it’s not just a passing fancy – she’s fully committed to the doggy lifestyle, complete with sleeping in a crate and munching on dog treats.

“My name is Meow, like a cat, but I am a dog,” proclaimed the pink-haired pup-woman during an appearance on the Australian radio show “The Kyle & Jackie O Show”.

Donning faux dog ears and a collar, Dalyn, affectionately known as “dog girl” or “e-puppy,” explained her profound connection to her four-legged alter ego. From snuggling up in a cozy crate adorned with pastel blankets to relishing in the joy of fetch games and bone gnawing, Dalyn’s canine identity permeates every aspect of her life.

But what drives someone to forsake human norms for a life of tail-wagging simplicity? For Dalyn, it’s a quest for the unbridled wonder of childhood that society often compels us to leave behind. “The wonder that comes with play and just being enchanted with life around you is a beautiful thing,” she mused.

And she’s not alone in her unusual lifestyle choice. From a Japanese man who splurged thousands on a lifelike collie costume to a gathering of over 1,000 “puppies” at a Berlin train station, the trend of human-canine transformation is gaining traction worldwide.

Dalyn’s canine companionship extends beyond mere playmates – she boasts a team of handlers who cater to her every whim, from feeding her shredded chicken to taking her on walks. Far from a financial burden, Dalyn cherishes their companionship, viewing them as fellow enthusiasts in the world of puppy play.

But despite the raised eyebrows and occasional scoffs from skeptics, Dalyn remains undeterred in her pursuit of doggy bliss. “I don’t find myself focusing on other people and their reactions toward me because I’m so in the moment of just chasing the ball, being the dog,” she asserted.

In a world that often demands conformity, Dalyn’s unabashed embrace of her inner Fido serves as a reminder of the primal instincts that dwell within us all. And perhaps, in acknowledging and embracing our animalistic tendencies, we find a deeper connection to our own humanity.

So, as Dalyn continues to revel in her canine identity, she invites others to explore their own primal instincts, daring them to chase their own metaphorical balls and find comfort in embracing the unconventional. For in the end, perhaps it’s in our most unconventional selves that we find our truest sense of belonging.