Andrew Hall, who is a 30-year-old father, is lucky to be alive after a vaping accident.

The vape cigarette suffered second-degree facial burns and lost seven teeth after the vape pen exploded. Andrew was getting ready for work while he was using the vape pen.

He shared the graphic photos of him while he was at the hospital. He wants to warn people about the dangers of using a vape pen. Andrew stated that he will not use the vape pen every again.

He stated that he maintained the vape pen, used the right way, and it still exploded. People are skeptical. They believe that Andrew faked his accident.

However, Andrew has photos to prove that the accident really happened. Not only was Andrew badly hurt in the accident, but the sink was shattered. The walls were also damaged.

Andrew is not the first person to be seriously hurt by a vape pen.

A man in Kentucky suffered second-degree burns on his legs after the device exploded. A man in New York severely damaged his tongue after the vape pen exploded in his mouth. There have been at least 66 cases of vape pens exploding from 2015 to 2016.

The FDA will be holding a two-day conference in the near future to let people know about the dangers of using vape pens.

An Idaho man says he lost seven teeth and suffered severe burns when a vape pen exploded in his face.