In its decades on the air, Wheel of Fortune has welcomed thousands of contestants onto the show. Recently, however, one contestant might go down in history for giving one of the worst guesses ever. Last week, Matt guessed a letter correctly, which gave him an upper hand on the board. But then he used his imagination to come up with an answer soabsurd it’ll likely be remembered by fans of the show for years to come.
Although the second word began with the letter N, Matt decided to announce his solution to the problem. “The Best Buttercup,” he famously declared, although there was no chance his response was the correct answer to the problem on the board. Some viewers were perplexed whether Matt said “Buttercup” or “Buttercut,” but that is unimportant. His suggested remedy will go down in Wheel of Fortune history as one of the most unusual answers offered on air.
The contestant’s incorrect answer was met with silence from the off-screen host Pat Sajak, who could not hide his contempt for the poor guess. He mocked, “Uh, no. Oddly enough, no.”
Matt got the first word of the riddle correct – “The”, but the rest of it was off. The solution was “The Next Generation,” which is nothing like “The Best Buttercup,” as Matt believed it to be.
Matt’s outrageous guess on the puzzle did not stop him from doing well during the game. In fact, he won and walked away with a lot of money as the grand prize winner. It’s evident that this was just luck and doesn’t speak to his skills as a player. Maybe part of the reason why he was able to win is because he took risks and wasn’t afraid to voice his opinion – even if it might have been wrong.
Dozens of people took to Twitter to express their thoughts on Matt’s remarkable guess.
“The best buttercup? #wheeloffortune @patsajak, how did you not crack up laughing or make one of your hilarious faces?”
“‘The best buttercup’ sounds like something a person might say when the anesthesia wears off. #WheelOfFortune”
“The man on the right just guessed “the next butter cut,” and I’m in stitches @WheelofFortune, please tweet the clip!”
“Did this dude really say ‘the best buttercup?’”
In the comments of one person’s tweet, others shared their disbelief.
“What I’m equally as confused about is how does this guy have 9,900 bucks so far? I suppose any monkey could pick out a letter.”
“Wheel of fortune is getting dummer (sic). The category is people you’d think it would b someone, but the next generation is not people.”
“He knows the next generation is butter cut, mad soft.”
“And to top it all off, the poor souls (those contestants) that got beat by this guy, Matt. Well, shoot, he actually won the entire game! Bahahaha!!”
What do you think about this contestant’s bad guess on Wheel of Fortune?