Getting a divorce is always a bitter and acrimonious process, and often neither spouse acts in the most ideal way.

Even if the couple tries to behave reasonably, they often end up squabbling over possessions. The story of Jerald and Catherine shows just how tough divorce can be when cheating is involved.

The couple’s marriage ended when Jerald announced that he was leaving his wife of 37 years for his youthful secretary. This was already hard enough on Catherine, and the behavior of Jerald and his girlfriend just made everything worse.

The young woman insisted that Jerald ought to be the one to keep their lovely, multi-million dollar home that Catherine had spent years decorating and taking care of. Jerald hired some unscrupulous lawyers who were able to win him the house, and they told Catherine that she had just three days to leave the house.

On her last night at the home, Catherine cooked herself a lovely meal of shrimp and caviar. When she finished, she decided to go around the house sticking the shrimp shells and bits of leftover caviar into the hollows of the curtain rods.

The next day, Jerald and his young girlfriend moved in, but they could not get find and get rid of the smell. They ended up trying to sell the stinky house, but no one would take it.

Eventually, Jerald got desperate and offered to sell the home to Catherine for one tenth of its price. She agreed and let them take out all their belongings, along with the curtain rods.