While out trick or treating this Halloween, you might see teal pumpkins on doorsteps along with traditional orange gourds. Teal pumpkins have been popping up all over the country, and they’re not just a trendy decorating fad- they’re saving lives and enabling children with food allergies to participate in a holiday that is traditionally hard to navigate.


The teal pumpkin is a sign that a home is offering non-candy goodies for trick or treaters. This is critical information for families whose children suffer from food allergies, as it eliminates the need to read labels, google the ingredients in Halloween candies, and allows children who might otherwise have to miss out on the holiday to participate with their peers.

Life-threatening food allergies are unfortunately common, and children faced with allergies often feel excluded from food-based celebrations and holidays.


It’s easy to become a teal pumpkin home. Simply get a pumpkin, paint it teal, and place it by your front door. Stock up on your normal Halloween goodies, but include a bowl of non-food items such as small toys, crafts, and other items that are lightweight and fun for kids. Children who need to participate will ask you about the teal pumpkin, and you can feel good knowing you’ve helped make a child’s night better and saved them from potential reactions.