Things have really changed over the past few years when it comes to the role that women play in society. In the past, women were viewed as custodians of the family. They were charged with the responsibility of taking care of their children and husbands. But that seems to have changed in today’s society. Today, we see women taking up roles that were previously seen as a reserve of men. The same thing is happening in schools. The education systems have been changed to incorporate gender equality. Schools are now teaching girls basic life skills such as cooking, saving money, first aid, self-defense, and car maintenance. Education experts have come to realize that such skills are very essential to children as they grow up. As a result, most of the things that used to be taught previously have been replaced by practical life skills. Skills such as budgeting and cooking are very helpful when they are taught when children are still young.
The good news is that there are teachers who are dedicated to teaching some of these life skills. One teacher from Alaska is setting the pace by allowing her students to kill a moose. Another teacher from Iowa designed an experiment to teach students about racial prejudices. This is a trend that’s happening across different schools in the world. For example, one school in New South Wales Australia is going beyond the usual topics in class and curriculum to teach learners life-saving skills outside the classroom. This was captured at the Stela Maris College where learners were being taught how to do basic car maintenance. The lessons include checking the pressure of tires, tire change, water oil, and several other things. The school, later on, shared the practical lesson on its Facebook page saying “our girls in the 11th grade were today takes through some crucial DIY car maintenance skills; how to check tire pressure, how to change a tire, how to check oil, coolant level, water, and many other others things”, read the post
The Galmatic Foundation aims at offering teenagers and women drivers with car maintenance skills using interactive workshops associated with car maintenance. The objective of the course is to equip women drivers with basic maintenance tips and avoid relying on the mechanic every time. Think of it for a moment, if all young women were trained on these basics skills, then they will be more confident to do things that are usually done by men. This will make them even more independent and this is what the school was trying to achieve. Stella Marries College got a lot of positive feedback from the public – with many people commenting on the great job the teachers were doing. One user wrote “This is awesome! I wish I was a student at that college. Great job Stella for teaching our girls these important skills.” A mother of one of the girls in the school also wrote “I am proud to be a mother of one of the girls learning in this school. Having been a student there myself, I can only encourage them to keep up the good work.” There’s no question that such practical skills will have a great impact on the lives of students. Many parents are hopeful that more schools will emulate this trend impact the lives of our girls in society.