In a fiery segment on Fox News Channel’s popular show “The Five,” co-hosts Judge Jeanine Pirro and Greg Gutfeld dismantled fellow co-host Jessica Tarlov’s attempt to revive the long-debunked “bleach” hoax related to former President Donald Trump. This exchange highlights the ongoing media war over facts and narratives, especially concerning Trump’s presidency and the liberal media’s relentless pursuit of discrediting him.
The controversy traces back to a 2020 press briefing where Trump mentioned disinfectants as a potential method to combat COVID-19. Misleadingly interpreted by many on the left, critics twisted his words to suggest he was advocating for bleach injections—a claim he never made. During the briefing, Trump mused, “And then I see the disinfectant, where it knocks it out in a minute. One minute. And is there a way we can do something like that, by injection inside or almost a cleaning?” He later clarified that he was not recommending bleach for injection but rather discussing disinfection of surfaces.
Fast forward to August, and Tarlov resurrected this narrative on “The Five.” While discussing the Trump presidency, Judge Jeanine Pirro emphasized how economic factors overshadow social issues for many voters. “People have to vote on their pocketbook, on food, on gas, whether they can live from day to day,” she asserted, recalling a time when gas prices were low and inflation was virtually nonexistent under Trump’s administration.
That’s when Tarlov interjected, “I still remember Covid and injecting bleach,” a comment that sent Judge Jeanine into a tailspin. “Come on—” she responded, clearly exasperated.
Gutfeld seized the moment to set the record straight, calling out Tarlov’s misrepresentation. “That—okay, that’s a hoax. No one said injecting bleach. Please look it up! We’ll do it in real time,” he urged. Tarlov, trying to maintain her ground, quipped, “Lysol?” Gutfeld wasn’t having it, firmly stating, “It never happened.”
As Tarlov pressed on, Gutfeld grew increasingly frustrated, saying, “You’re literally living in a delusion right now. That never was said. Do the research, no one ever said injecting bleach. Look it up; it has been debunked.” His passionate defense underscores the importance of accountability in media discourse, especially in an era rife with misinformation.
Judge Jeanine chimed in, criticizing Tarlov for using the bleach narrative as a distraction from pressing issues facing Americans today. “That’s not even— that is a pivot from the fundamental issues of food and gas and being able to survive from work to work. Don’t give me this Clorox baloney, okay? It’s about living. It’s about surviving. It’s about taking care of your family, not the namby-pamby, what did he say about sharks. That’s ridiculous.”
The exchange on “The Five” exemplifies a larger trend in media where liberal hosts often cling to debunked stories to sidestep real issues that impact everyday Americans. In a time of economic turmoil, rising inflation, and skyrocketing gas prices, it’s crucial to focus on the facts that matter rather than fallacies.
As Judge Jeanine and Gutfeld rightly pointed out, voters are increasingly concerned with their daily lives and the ability to provide for their families, not with sensationalized stories designed to tarnish Trump’s image. In the end, it’s not just about holding politicians accountable but ensuring that the truth prevails in the conversation about our nation’s future.