It is not uncommon, for many people, to face various struggles with weight loss. It is refreshing and inspiring to hear of a woman who has lost 267 pounds in a single year. Most people do not have this much weight to lose and only seem to face some minor weight issues.
Amber Rachdi is the woman who has been able to overcome her obstacles with her problematic weight. She was only 24 years old and she weighed 660 pounds. Her weight posed many issues for her. Once her health started to deteriorate, she realized that she must find a way to regain it once and for all. She was known for being an emotional eater. Food seemed to be the only thing that made her feel calm and relaxed. She had well-meaning parents and a boyfriend in her life and had sound reasons for wanting to make positive changes.
When Rachdi reached her top weight of 660 pounds, she noticed her mental health was being compromised in many ways. She was prone to experiencing high levels of anxiety and eating seemed to relieve her symptoms for a period of time. At the age of 24 years old, she was considered to be morbidly obese. People in this condition will, often experience the following:
* osteoarthritis
* type two diabetics
* various other medical issues
She began to fear that she would soon begin to suffer from heart disease and her weight would lead her to an early grave. By this time her mental health and physical health were gradually going downward. She knew that she needed quality medical solutions to help her regain her health. She became fed up with her life and she felt as if she was slowly dying. She knew that she must do something drastic if she wanted to live.
She contacted Dr. Nowzaradan. This physician is known for specializing in gastric bypass surgery. After meeting with him, she was told that she had one option if she wanted to live. She could save her own life if she lost weight.
Dr. Nowzaradan would perform the surgery if she could prove that she was willing and able to implement some lifestyle changes that would foster a healthy weight for her. She was told to come back after she lost 22 pounds. She chose to go back home and started to work on learning new and improved habits. This was not an easy process.
She had been overweight since she was a child and would need to learn new ways to live her life. She incorporated a determined attitude because she knew she could add years to her life with healthy changes in place. Her other option was to gradually lose her life to her obesity. Within a three month period, she was able to lose the required amount of weight. Dr. Nowzaradan agreed to perform the surgery. Her new life was emerging and hope had been restored.
This is not the end of her story. Her new life has given her a very bright future. She is planning on getting married and they plan on starting a family of their own. She has proven that obstacles can be overcome with a little help, added support and medical knowledge. Faith and dedication add up to happiness and bright futures.
She Lost 267 Pounds In 1 Year
Posted 3 years ago by Ben Turner