Renowned TV personality Sharon Osbourne, known for her no-nonsense approach, recently made headlines with her candid opinions on actor Ashton Kutcher. In an interview with E! News, the 70-year-old wife of rock legend Ozzy Osbourne didn’t mince her words when she labeled Kutcher as the “rudest celebrity she’s ever met.”
Osbourne’s interview took place during a game of “Stir the Pot” on E! News, where she appeared alongside her daughter, Kelly Osbourne. The game involved answering random questions, and one particular query prompted Sharon to name the celebrity who had left the worst impression on her throughout her decades-long career.
Without hesitation, Osbourne pointed to Ashton Kutcher, though she initially struggled to recall his name. “The guy that’s married to an actress and he used to do ‘That ’70s Show,'” she began, prompting Kelly to interject with, “Oh, Ashton Kutcher? Really?”
Sharon didn’t hold back in her assessment, describing Kutcher as a “rude little boy.” While she didn’t divulge the specific incident that led to this negative impression, her unvarnished comments certainly caught the attention of fans and the media.
This isn’t the first time Osbourne has publicly voiced her disapproval of Kutcher. In a 2018 interview on “Larry King Now,” she recounted an episode of her former show, “The Talk,” that didn’t go as planned.
“I didn’t get on with one guy, that Ashton Kutcher,” she stated at the time. According to Osbourne, Kutcher exhibited a “bad attitude” because she couldn’t remember his name. She vividly remembered his reaction, saying, “He was pissed, and he comes on with an attitude, and he goes, ‘What have you done in this industry?'”
Osbourne’s response was classic Sharon Osbourne: “Kid, don’t start with me because I’m going to eat you up and s–t you out.” It was a memorable clash of personalities, and Osbourne’s candid account of the encounter left a lasting impression on her audience.
In her recent E! News interview, Sharon also reflected on a past comment she made about pop sensation Justin Bieber, expressing regret for her previous stance. She acknowledged her mistake, admitting, “He’s a kid! Leave him alone! And I felt really terrible after saying that, and I felt such guilt.”
The interview showcased Sharon Osbourne’s unfiltered honesty, a trait that has made her a beloved figure in the entertainment industry. Her willingness to speak her mind, even when her opinions are controversial, has earned her a dedicated following.
Ashton Kutcher, best known for his roles in “That ’70s Show” and “No Strings Attached,” has not yet responded to Osbourne’s latest remarks. Fans of both celebrities may be curious to see if this ongoing feud continues to escalate or if it fizzles out.
In the world of Hollywood, where public image and politeness often reign supreme, Sharon Osbourne’s unapologetic candor is a breath of fresh air. Whether you agree or disagree with her opinions, there’s no denying that she adds a unique and unfiltered perspective to the entertainment landscape. And her recent take on Ashton Kutcher is just another example of Sharon being Sharon, unafraid to stir the pot and speak her truth.