Nazi mythology has stoked people’s imagination and cultural curiosity for years. Did the Third Reich really bury hordes of stolen loot in Lake Toplitz as U.S. troops closed in and Germany was on the brink of collapse?

Is a Nazi train laden with gold buried in an underground tunnel in Poland?

What happened to the Amber Room, the legendary gold installation that German troops pillaged from Tsar Peter the Great? And what was the German Antarctic expedition really all about?

In 1938, the Nazis visited Antarctica on a whaling expedition. It’s long been rumored that the Germans found an underground network of caves and warm water rivers in Antarctica that ran more than 30 miles into the earth. Supposedly, the Germans built a hidden weather base named New Berlin or Base 211, where a shadowy cabal of high-ranking scientists and SS officers gathered to plot world domination.

Legend has it the scientists and elite members of the SS ran low on food and resorted to eating polar bear. The Germans were eventually rescued, and the secret Antarctic weather station destroyed when they left. For over seven decades no proof of the secret Nazi weather base was ever discovered in the Arctic.

However, Russian treasure hunters recently recovered several objects and artifacts in the Franz Joseph Land archipelago related to the once fabled Nazi weather station. Archeologists marked and dated several of the pieces, proving a Nazi myth wasn’t really a myth at all but a scientific reality.