Politics aside, because no one should be discussing that toxic topic anymore, there are whispers of Melania wanting to divorce The Donald by summer. The rumor mill is always churning, but typically where there’s smoke, there’s fire. The 24 year age gap and pressures from his political career might have been too much for Melania to handle. Let’s be honest, she never exactly showed much affection for him publicly. In fact, there are multiple videos of Donald reaching for her hand and her pulling it away. Former President Trump is no stranger to marriages ending in divorce, as Melania is his third wife. This has always seemed like a marriage of convenience. Donald got a trophy wife, and Melania got a lavish lifestyle. With Donald supposedly in financial trouble, that lavish lifestyle might be drying up. The marriage for one party is no longer so convenient.
According to White House staffers, Melania and Donald had separate sleeping arraignments. Not typically a very good sign. Melania and Donald reportedly spend very little time together, and Melania prefers to be isolated. If you no longer, if ever, love your husband, isolating yourself from him makes sense. She doesn’t like to golf and that is how Donald spends much of his free time. There seems to be an agreement that they both lead their own lives and up until this point, it has worked out for them. There is no issue with this. Couples, where both individuals are professionals, tend to be this way. It is not uncommon, but the Trumps have a very unique marriage.
The internet has been abuzz with speculation of how much longer the marriage will last. Psychicworld.com reported they believe the couple only has months left. Sound like fake news? Possibly. Everyone wants a hot story about the Trumps because the public interest even after leaving the White House is strong. A psychic and numerologist predicted they would not last until summer and the end will be a rocky one. Now getting your information from a psychic, even one who’s also a numerologist, might sound legitimate, but no announcement from anyone named Trump has been made. This is all just speculation. This source also said that after Trump leaves office he would go silent for two months. So far that has been true. Not exactly going out on a limb with this prediction considering he’s been banned from his social media platforms. After the initial two months is up, allegedly the gloves will come off and he will continue to be very vocal and a driving force with his base. Television has been speculated as a new platform for his message to reach his supporters. Kind of like his own propaganda news channel. Like Oprah’s channel O, but with a lot more controversy. Who wouldn’t watch that? Everyone loves a good sideshow and we all look over knowing we don’t really want to see the aftermath of a car accident. We look anyway. It’s a curiosity.
Will Donald and Melania divorce? Who knows, unless you believe a psychic numerologist. This again is his third marriage. The first two lasted 15 and 6 years. His marriage to Melania has lasted for 16, way past the seven-year itch. Reportedly he was never faithful to any of them. Sixteen years for someone in the spotlight like Donald Trump is a good run, maybe he’s just due.