Recently, a dime was found that’s worth almost 2 million dollars. In fact, there were a few dimes recently that were found to be worth almost this amount. These included specifically the Barber Dime.
These dimes span from 1892 through the turn of the century.
This dime is a rather famous American coin. It tends to have its worth go up and down in time with the cost of silver bullion. Many of these dimes tend to go at auction for over $1.5 million with the most expensive ones going for closer to 2. One of the rarest is the 1894-S Barber Dime. Actually, it’s one of three coins that are known for their rarity. The other two include a dollar from 1804 and the famous Liberty nickel from 1913. The coins are a trifecta among coin collectors are often known as the Big Three.
According to legend, the guy responsible for the San Francisco Mint, John Dagget, made 24 Barber dimes in 1894, including three that he gave to his daughter. He wanted her to save the rare dimes until she got older since he knew that they would have some worth at some point, but unfortunately. According to legend, she used a dime to buy ice cream at the time.
The legend grew from there, likely adding to the worth of the dimes in addition to their rarity. At the moment, there are nine of these dimes that are still in the wind, with the rest being accounted for. There should be at least two somewhere in the United States. This means that if you find one that you think might be a Barber dime, it will be well worth your while to go into the office of an appraiser to see if they are genuine since these coins are worth millions.
Beyond the holy grails of coins, including the Barber dimes, there are a number of other coins that are worth thousands of dollars anyway. These include coins like the 1872 CC Liberty Sealed Dime, for example, that’s worth $85,000. There’s also the 1874 CC Liberty Sealed Dime that’s worth $115,000 on the low wend.
There are coins from 1797 like the Draped Bust dime, which is worth a bit over 5 thousand dollars, and many other besides. In other words, it would be well worth your while to check out any old or unusual coin that looks a little different from every other coin. For certain, anything from before the 19th century by 20 years or more is generally worth checking out a bit. After all, you never know what you might have in your hands. It could very well be a legendary dime from the past worth millions. Other examples of famous coins include one from the 60s that has JFK on it which is worth some thousands. It helps to know which coins in which years have rare versions so you know what to look for. That way, you can send it into an appraiser only if it has a good chance of being rare.