Manny is known as being a pro-boxer but what he does with his winning’s might be shocking to most people. Most people who win money whether it be small or big will spend the money on something they love but for Manny, what he wanted to do with his winnings was far more important to others than to him.
Manny is known around the world as being one of the very best boxers out there. He has lived his life with nothing and knows how it feels to come from nothing. It was that feeling that helped him to decide what he should do with his winnings from boxing. When Manny knew that he was good at boxing, it was then that he knew that he didn’t want to be selfish with the money he earned. He worked hard to train and knew that with his winnings, he would be able to ensure that his family had everything they would ever need.
With 12 World Titles under his belt, Manny is well known for selling out his matches and living the dream. He understands what it feels like to be poor and live poor. He doesn’t want anyone else to live that way so he decided that what he would do with his winnings would be to ensure that other people are able to live without the stress of where they are going to live from one day to the next. Manny was born in 1978 and his mother was a single mom. He had 6 siblings and when he was 14, Manny dropped out of school in order to help his mother support the children.
In 2015, Manny went up against another. This match was not won by Manny but he still managed to walk away with $1.5 million dollars. It was this money that he decided to do something with for others. He decided to put this money to good causes and what more could he do for someone who was unable to do for themselves.
For Manny, charitable donations are not something new to him. When people see him out, they tend to gather around him in hopes that he will give to those around him. He has been known to hand one person 1000 pesos at one time before. It is this kind of giving that Manny is known for and why he feels the need to help those around him. Since he has lived in that way, he knows all too well firsthand what it feels like to have nothing and therefore want to help those around him to avoid feeling that way.
In 2007, Manny decided that he wanted to get into politics. He first became a congressman and then from there, he went on to become a senator. His goal was to not live in the politics but rather to help his country achieve a better standing by helping those people living in poverty. It was traveling around his country and seeing how people were living that helped him to decide what to do with the money he was making. That is when he decided to aid those less fortunate than him.
With the money that Manny was winning from the fight of the century, Manny decided to build 1000 homes for people living in poverty around the Philippines. Manny hopes to be able to help others learn to find their inner desires and to use that to be able to use their gifts to encourage others. Helping others learn to fight their battles and win is something Manny is hoping to do for everyone around him, who hears about his struggles and the power it took for him to overcome his obstacles and be the person he is today.