Pride and patriotism are some of the fundamental principles that the United States of America embraces a lot. The symbolic manner and pageantry through which governments and learning institutions conduct themselves shed some more light into the patriotism of the United States. Despite all that, some individuals in the country would like to get rid of some modes of showing patriotism or loyalty. These modes include chanting the national anthem as well as undertaking the pledge of allegiance. One such individual who made clear of her sentiments on the subject of stating the pledge of allegiance is a woman called Luella Thompson. She echoed her feelings on this subject while in a meeting organized by the Bladen County Board of Elections.
As the meeting was on progress, a vote was requested to include the allegiance pledge into the official business of meetings for elections that were held in the county of Bladen. This vote did not go down well with Luella Thompson. She brought up an argument that there had been a commission of crime since those who recited the pledge of allegiance had caused some disruptions to the elections meeting. Due to the presence of a democratic majority, the pledge of allegiance vote did not go through, and as a result, the motion was termed a fail. A man called Dan Smith, who was part of the audience that day stood up and stated the pledge of allegiance. Some of the individuals in the audience went on to join him in reciting it, which shocked Miss Thompson. She took it as an insult to her and felt that all these actions were completely illegal. The pledge of allegiance has been stated during many governmental occasions and meetings in both local and state levels. Currently, there is no law in existence that makes it a crime to recite or state the pledge of allegiance during meetings organized by councils or governments. However, no one should force you to state or recite the pledge of allegiance if you don’t want to.
For many years, there have been stumbling blocks to people reciting the allegiance pledge, including it being recited in learning institutions as well as in different organizations. Individuals opposing the allegiance pledge direct that making people say words such as under God directly contradict the first amendment as well as the recognition of the church and state as two separate entities. During all these backlashes, Miss Thompson pointed out that they will include the allegiance pledge to upcoming meetings of the elections board. At first, Luella Thompson came into the board so that she can wipe out the allegations of fraud concerning absentee voters. At the moment, Tim Moore, the speaker for the Republican statehouse, demands that Miss Thompson resigns from her position despite changing her mind on the subject.
Tim Moore’s opinion was that the actions of Ms Thompson were a complete disrespect to the constitution of the United States. He further claimed that Ms Thompson was mimicking disrespect and corruption in her capacity as an official. Incidentally, this was not the first time that Ms Thompson had shown her biasness. In 2018, she together with another board member, criticized President Donald Trump on their social media posts. Individuals who hold positions of power must uphold unbiased behaviour and hold themselves responsible. It remains unclear if Luella Thompson will still have her position on the board. With the current situation, it may be reasonable to assess the roles and job descriptions of all members who are serving the board in their official capacities.