While you’re walking down a sidewalk in a busy town, you might not be able to tell when a kidnapping is taking place. There is footage that has been released from Russia revealing a medical student kidnapping a baby from a hospital.

A closed circuit camera captures the female walking right into the hospital, picking up the baby and walking back out the door. She put the baby in a shopping bag by her side. Officers are unsure as to what the motive was behind the kidnapping. The baby who was kidnapped was born early and had to stay in the hospital to receive treatment before going home.

The mother of the baby was at home recovering. She knew that the hospital would provide the care needed for her infant until she was able to go home. Nursing staff claimed to contact officers as soon as they noticed that the baby was gone.

They didn’t think that a stranger took the baby as they thought someone from the family had her. The kidnapper’s family contacted officers to let them know that the medical student had the child.

The kidnapper went as far as putting a picture of her and the baby on social media. She has been charged, but there are questions about whether her mental capacity would be fit for handling a trial.
Kidnapping is the taking of a person against their will, often for ransom. The definition of kidnapping can be expanded to include the taking of a person for the purpose of committing a crime against that person, such as murder. Kidnapping can also be defined as the abduction of a person for illegal purposes.

Kidnapping is a federal crime in the United States, and it can be punished by up to life in prison. Kidnapping is also a crime in most states, and it can be punishable by imprisonment or death. The punishment for kidnapping varies depending on the state in which the crime occurs.

There are several types of kidnapping. If a person is seized with the intent to keep them as a hostage or imprison them, that is considered kidnaping. If a person is held for ransom, that also qualifies as kidnapping. Anytime a person is abducted against their will and taken from the presence of their family or friends, then it could be considered punishable by law.

Kidnapping is a very serious crime, and it can have devastating consequences for the victim. If you have been the victim of kidnapping, or if you know someone who has been kidnapped, it is important to seek legal help immediately. The attorneys at our firm are experienced in handling kidnapping cases, and we will do everything possible to ensure that you receive the compensation and justice that you deserve.

You can call us at (866) 608-5529, or contact our office for a free consultation with one of our lawyers. We look forward to providing aid to you as soon as possible.

Source: CriminalDefenseLawyer.com “Kidnapping Laws & Schemes