On April 16, 2021, a 21-year old, Amber Cumberland, shocked the world by giving birth to a baby weighing 12 pounds and 14 ounces. The pregnancy was not like any other since the parents and nurses suspected that she would eventually give birth to twins. The fact that everyone assumed she was expecting twins almost made Cumberland, and the father, Scott Joy, believe that they were going to have twins. Nonetheless, ultrasound scans proved that Cumberland was indeed expecting one child. The size of the pregnant was unusual, and everyone would say that she was expecting twins. In addition to the size, Cumberland’s belly protruded to the extent that it started bleeding because of the stretched skin. Surprisingly, the pregnancy was normal until the third trimester. During one of her checkups in the trimester, the ultrasound scan showed that she was about 8 pounds and 12 ounces, which was unusual.

As a first-time mother, it was unusual that the pregnancy lasted than usual. She had to wait by an extra two days to clear the air about the pregnancy. Even after waiting for an additional two weeks, she spent around 24 hours in labor. The size of the baby hindered Cumberland from having a normal delivery. Despite the fact that she dilated up to eight centimeters, the baby could not come out, which made the doctors opt for C-section. Further dilation would have resulted in permanent damage; hence, normal delivery was not an option. During the C-section, two people were forced to lift the baby because of the unusual weight. The delivery hit the headlines in the United Kingdom because of the weight of the baby. Baby Emilia now holds the record of the second largest baby in the U.K., and the largest being 14 pounds and 12 ounces.

Everything about the record-breaking pregnancy was unusual since the money gained excessive weight. According to Cumberland, she had gained weight up to 12.5 stone. Even though it was a difficult experience, she found a way of making herself happy about it. Together with the father, Scott, she went to the supermarket to ask for opinions regarding the size of her belly. The birth of Emilia was a surprise in the U.K. and the hospital she was delivered to. The nurses were in shock to the extent that they stayed around to check the baby’s weight and take photos. Even though people loved baby Emilia, Cumberland and Scott were slightly unhappy because she was larger than her outfits. They were forced to use 0-3 month clothes just after delivery. In addition to the outfits, her parents were concerned about the size of the napkins. Luckily, nurses helped her get larger nappies from pediatrics.