A worrisome new poll released Tuesday revealed that 83 percent of Americans believe the United States has veered off track in the wake of record high inflation, shortages of baby formula, sky-high gasoline costs and frequent shootings.

Only 16% of Americans said they are pleased with the present state of the nation, according to a Gallup Poll, while 83% are dissatisfied with the remaining 1%.

According to the poll, President Biden and the Democrats are in for a rough ride as the congressional midterm elections draw near due to Americans’ foul mood.

The state of the country’s low confidence number is the worst since the U.S. Capitol riot in January 2021, with a six-point drop from last month.

The percentage of Democrats who are satisfied with the United States’ performance has dropped 14 points, accounting for the bulk of the overall drop. Now, just 24% of Democrats are happy with how things are going in the United States — the lowest point in Biden’s term.

Just 18% of independents and 4% of Republicans are content with the situation as it currently stands.

The poll of 1,007 adults was conducted from May 2 to 22, as inflation soared to its highest level in 40 years amid skyrocketing gas and food costs, a baby formula crisis, and a racially motivated shooting in Buffalo that killed 10 people, according to Gallup researchers.

Biden’s overall job approval is only slightly better, at 54 percent. Only 41% of respondents approve of the way he is handling his role as vice president.

“The president’s job approval has not risen above 43%, nor fallen below 40%, since last August. He has not enjoyed majority-level approval since last June,” stated Gallup noted in its analysis.

Congress has a dismal approval rating from the public — 77 percent disapprove of its job performance while only 18 percent have a favorable view.

It’s bad news for the Democrats, who hold a razor-thin majority in both the Senate and House and could be swept out of office in a GOP landslide this fall.

“With less than six months to go before the midterm elections, the public’s mood is sour, with few Americans satisfied with the direction of the country and approving of Congress, making the Democratic congressional majority extremely vulnerable,” Gallup stated.

“Biden’s approval rating is particularly weak among independents and is nowhere near the high level required (typically above 60%) for a president to stave off significant midterm losses in Congress.”

The pool wraps, “The likelihood of a dramatic economic turnaround before November’s congressional elections appears slim, which puts pressure on Democrats to persuade voters to keep them in power despite the nation’s current struggles.”

The margin of error for the poll is plus or minus 4 percentage points.