Americans are constantly walking on proverbial thin ice when it comes to racism and prejudice. People are eagerly willing to protest for any injustice that may affect a wounded race, color, or creed. The thin line has worn even thinner over the years, and many mistakes have been made through misconceptions. Sometimes things can be done for a specific reason that everyone does not understand. The differences in people will all represent varying views of the same concept. This was the case of the misunderstood billboard. A gun range owner by the name of Wesley Aducat who owns the shooting range in South Jersey, put a sign on a billboard playing off the protest that the players were involved in about the National Anthem. The shooting range owner put on the billboard a sign that stated, The Only Time We Take A Knee, then the billboard had an image of a person in black holding a rifle.
The NFL players were taking a knee in protest of police brutality and racial inequalities. The billboard offended many liberals in the area because it seemed to mock the NFL players. Some people even called the gun range video racist. The owner said that the billboard had nothing to do with race or the minority populations. One resident by the name of MoKeke Ragsdale took a picture of the billboard, and put it on twitter to expose the racist. The billboard is located on Rt, 73 In Voorhees. The photographer wanted everyone to tell the range owner to take the billboard down, and that taking a knee was saying NO to police brutality. Aducat wishes that all NFL players would stand to show respect for the National Anthem, but he knows that it is their First Amendment right to protest. The NAACP also stated that Aducat failed to understand the meaning of taking a knee. NAACP member, Keith Blenson, reiterated the fact that the meaning was about police murdering black people who were unarmed. Nearly everyone thinks that the South Jersey Shooting Club got the disrespect they deserved for putting up the billboard.
The members of the club most likely thought that they were just being patriotic Americans who were strong in their beliefs. Many people feel that although the NFL players are causing a division in the country, this sign is dividing people needlessly. The majority just wanted the sign to be taken down. People took this plight to social media, and on Facebook people have posted both support and criticism about the billboard. It was stated that the NFL players had the 1st Amendment right to protest, and by the same right, Aducat can advertise his business in a manner that is satisfactory to him. He also has a First Amendment right. Aducat also stated that the billboard was in support of American Veterans, and not meant to be mistaken as mocking the NFL players. It seemed as though Wesley Aducat had the NAACP and the population of New Jersey on the case of having him take down the billboard that was offending half the people in the state.