Alice Valasquez’s daughters learned a hard lesson as a result of not keeping their rooms clean.

After repeated attempts to get her daughters to keep their rooms clean, Alice did something while they were at school to teach them a lesson about the importance of keeping clean rooms.

As indicated by a post on Facebook, Alice bagged everything that was not put away while her teenage daughters were at school. When they came home from school, they discovered that everything from their rooms was placed in a corner in trash bags.

Alice collected their belongings at random so something valued could be in the same bag as something with trash. According to the Facebook post, which has since gone viral, the consequence for getting their belongings back was to pay $25 dollars for each bag of trash. The money paid has to be earned by doing chores.

Due to the randomness of the rooms, and as a result, the randomness of the trash bags the money paid could be going towards a bag of trash or a bag of valued items.


The post has since been shared over 10,000 times and serves as a reminder that the incessant nagging about cleaning is worth listening to. Alice’s daughters might think twice the next time they want to leave their room messy.