Spending time in the backyard playing ball or just lying in the grass and playing with the dog are some of the memories we all have when we were young and had no concern for anything else on Earth. Our parents usually let us play outside in the afternoon once we’ve completed our chores or after a tough day at school.

Our parents allow us to play outside because they are confident that we are secure, especially if our backyards are fenced and there is no means of escape. When a mother from Manitoba did this while knowing her children were safe in their backyard playing, she had a surprise visitor at the front door who she could not believe was real.

Jacqui Kendrick, a mother of three with a fenced backyard, has an enclosed yard. They have a secure backyard since it is surrounded on three sides by wood. In addition, there is a chain-like enclosure on the other side. She allowed her children to go out after school, but she never suspected that something terrible would happen next.

While the youngsters are having a wonderful time outside and enjoying life, someone has accused her of allowing them to play unsupervised. This is why she was visited by Child and Family Services out of the blue.

An investigation was immediately launched in response to this problem. “We have taught the older kids to look after each other. The older ones should be looking after the younger ones. My 10-year-old is very responsible,” Jacqui said during her CTV Winnipeg interview about this issue.

Even though the CHS employee persisted in investigating, asking a few more questions, Jacqui was adamant that the accusations that her children were left alone for hours without adult supervision and in danger are untrue. Even if Jacqui believes her backyard to be secure and that leaving her children to play on their own would not be hazardous, someone has reported her to the authorities based on false charges.

When the Child and Family Services agent went away, Jacqui felt she had given all of the required information to persuade them that her children were fine and secure in their backyard. Now that her name is on the CFS records, she is concerned about what would happen if she files another complaint.

Many people believe that Jacqui’s treatment was unjust. According to Jacqui, if the individual who reported the incident truly cared, they should have called first before going to the authorities. Others feel that perhaps the individual felt it would be more appropriate to contact the authorities rather than confront Jacqui in this scenario.

It is time for kids to be allowed to have fun freely outside of their homes. Many people are outraged by this news because not only was the children secure within their own yard, but also because the parents were not even out of earshot when they called the cops.