Tara Clontz, known on TikTok as Tara Clontz, was accused of child abuse after she posted pictures of her daughter’s lunch on social media. It was reported that Clontz packed meat and cheese rollups with sliced turkey and string cheese sticks in her daughter’s lunch box. Clontz said that she wanted to share healthy lunch packing ideas that are also nutritious for children to eat while they are at school. An Ohio mom was arrested on suspicion of child abuse after she posted pictures of her daughter’s lunch on social media. Tara Clontz said she packed her 5-year-old daughter Lillian’s lunch last Thursday. She put a turkey and cheese rollup, an apple, and strawberries in a bento box and took it to school. The principal contacted Clontz and reported she was concerned about Lillian’s weight and lunch packing techniques. The Cincinnati mom said she packed healthy food items for her daughter; however, no hot foods were allowed by school officials because students may burn themselves with hot containers. School officials told Clontz they worry about students having enough energy at school.
According to WMAZ, Clontz received a phone call from her child’s school. The call was about one video in particular, where she packed tuna fish with crackers on her daughter’s lunchbox. Tara told WMAZ that she was asked if it would be okay for her child to bring chicken nuggets or hot dogs instead because there were other children who didn’t like seafood. Clontz said she responded by telling them that other children do like seafood and went ahead and packed it anyway. According to @FCFVAnews on Twitter, Dallas mother Tara Clontz recently got charged with child abuse for making turkey and cheese rollups for her daughter’s lunch. The reason? Apparently, school officials told Clontz that students couldn’t eat homemade lunches due to food allergies. When Tara pointed out that her daughter doesn’t have any allergies, officials told her it was against policy because she did not use pre-packaged breads or condiments in their creation. She had no choice but to send her daughter off with store-bought bread, even though she says they are not healthy or tasty at all.
@tarasfarmtotable Reply to @kayleemiddleton40 packing lunch for preschool! #tarastable #momlife #sahm #easylunch #kidslunch #bentgokids #bentgo ♬ i hope ur miserable until ur dead – Nessa Barrett
Here is what Tara packs in her daughter’s lunch: turkey and cheese roll-ups, stuffed tomatoes, corn chips, and string cheese sticks. As you can see from Tara’s posts on TikTok there isn’t anything unhealthy in her daughter’s lunches. In fact, she tries to add fruit, veggie, or other healthy items to add extra nutrients to what she packs. What people don’t know about home-packed lunches is that they aren’t required by law to have a balanced diet so long as it meets certain nutritional guidelines. TikTok is a social media platform that has gained popularity among children. Tara Clontz is a mom who used TikTok to post videos of her daughter’s lunch boxes. One video showed how she packed her daughter’s lunchbox with the following: rolled cheese sticks, hotdogs, meatballs. The following day, Clontz received a call from her school saying they received complaints about what she was packing in her daughter’s lunches.