As a parent, you come in contact with many difficult decisions. One of the hardest is when you have a child miss school days. Although many may see this as easy to do if a situation is considered legitimate, such as a death of a family member or emergency. Many times the decision is difficult to allow them a day or two to enjoy other activities as a family. This is what happened to Micheal Rossi when he opted to decide on having his children accompany him and his wife on a Boston trip to experience the Marathon and other sites of historical significance. However, he was not expecting to be met with opposition from the elementary school that his children attended and which caused friction between him and the attendance policy for the school.

Michael Rossi was ready to tackle the marathon and had qualified regardless of experiencing injury and many other things that could have prevented him from taking part in. Regardless, he managed to recuperate quickly and have his entire family present to experience the opportunity of a lifetime with him and to see him finish. This was only one reason to have his kids with him although there were many others to have the kids tag along to Boston. He knew that the trip would be worth missing and that a few days would not hurt. In fact, the school was notified of his plans well in advance and was even granted permission to have them out for 3 days. What then started out as a trip quickly turned into a mini-vacation for the family, which they enjoyed many other activities besides the Boston Marathon.

Nevertheless, upon returning home, the Rossi family discovered a note waiting for them sent by the principal regarding the absences of the kids. In fact, a section of the note that was the most disturbing was when the school stated that the time spent away from school is not counted towards any educational purpose regardless of the activities the children participate in and therefore cannot be evaluated by the school. As a response, Michael Rossi posted and shared it on social media in order to have others express their own opinion concerning the school´s standpoint. He also wrote a response and planned to send it to the school. In spite of the fact, Rossi decided not to send his response, but to also post it on social media where it was viral for a while. Later on, Rossi made it known that the issue with the principal did not bother him a bit and that the only issue that existed laid with the attendance policy, which was unable to be flexible with an educational trip that was enjoyed as a family.