In a heartbreaking turn of events, a dedicated Michigan State Trooper lost his life while carrying out his duty on Wednesday, January 24th. Trooper Joel Popp, a devoted husband and father, met his untimely end during a routine traffic stop along the bustling I-75 highway.
The incident unfolded at approximately 7 pm when Trooper Popp and his fellow troopers initiated a stop on a driver they suspected of being under the influence. It was at this very moment, on a curving stretch of the interstate, that tragedy struck. An elderly driver careened into their patrol cars, forever altering the lives of those involved.
Trooper Joel Popp, at the tender age of 39, stood outside his patrol car when the collision occurred. The impact was devastating, and it is with immense sorrow that we report his passing. Trooper Popp is survived by his loving wife Stefanie and their young daughter, left to navigate life without the presence of their cherished family member.
In a solemn press release, the Michigan State Police recounted the harrowing incident: “At 7:12 p.m., on Wednesday, Jan. 24, Popp and other troopers were investigating a suspected impaired driver who was stopped on northbound I-75 near Birch Run in a curved lane of travel. Another motorist, an 81-year-old male, struck two patrol cars and Popp, who was outside his patrol vehicle.”
Despite swift efforts to save him, Trooper Popp succumbed to his injuries at Hurley Medical Center. The release also conveyed that the other driver, although injured, is expected to recover.
Trooper Popp’s dedication to the Michigan State Police was unwavering. He joined their ranks in January 2020, graduating from the 137th Trooper Recruit School. Throughout his career, he served at the Tri-City Post, exemplifying commitment and professionalism in every endeavor. His memory will forever remain etched in the hearts of his colleagues and the community he served.
In this time of profound grief, the Michigan State Police extends gratitude to the numerous police partners and emergency responders who rallied at the scene. Their unwavering support during this challenging period is deeply appreciated. Special acknowledgment is also reserved for the dedicated staff and medical professionals at Hurley Medical Center for their compassionate care.
Director of the Michigan State Police, Col. James F. Grady II, shared his poignant words: “This is a message none of us wishes to deliver. With a very heavy heart, I confirm the death of one of our own, Tpr. Joel Popp. I ask that you please keep his family, fellow troopers, and all whose lives he has touched in your thoughts.”
On Facebook, the Michigan State Police expressed their gratitude for the overwhelming support received in the wake of Trooper Popp’s tragic loss. They invite those who wish to extend their condolences or offer financial assistance to visit for more information.
The incident highlights the importance of “Move Over” laws that exist in all 50 states. These laws require drivers to slow down and move away from emergency vehicles with flashing lights or engaged in emergency response. Had the elderly driver adhered to this law, Trooper Popp might still be with us today.
In these challenging times, we must remember the sacrifices made by dedicated law enforcement officers like Trooper Joel Popp. His memory will forever serve as a reminder of the dangers they face in the line of duty.