Former USWNT soccer star Megan Rapinoe, alongside her partner Sue Bird, is breaking new ground in the entertainment industry. The power couple is set to produce a TV show highlighting the lives of lesbian athletes, drawing inspiration from the acclaimed novel “Cleat Cute.”

Rapinoe and Bird’s production company, A Touch More, has joined forces with Future Shack Entertainment to bring this exciting project to life. The novel, penned by bestselling author Meryl Wilsner, promises a contemporary queer romance narrative, offering a fresh perspective on the experiences of young lesbian soccer players.

Jeff Wachtel, CEO of Future Shack Entertainment, expressed his enthusiasm for the collaboration, recognizing the universal appeal of sports as a backdrop for compelling storytelling. “As women’s sports continue to captivate audiences globally, we are thrilled to partner with two iconic athletes, Megan Rapinoe and Sue Bird, to transform Meryl Wilsner’s delightful world into a bold, sexy, and entertaining ensemble show,” remarked Wachtel.

For Rapinoe and Bird, the show represents more than just entertainment; it’s a platform to celebrate their identities and share their athletic journeys. “Having spent our lives on the field, we aim to showcase the authentic relationships forged through sports, whether romantic or platonic,” explained the dynamic duo. “‘Cleat Cute’ will dive into the raw emotions, occasional challenges, and undeniable beauty inherent in both the game and the bonds it fosters.”

However, Rapinoe’s involvement hasn’t been without controversy. The outspoken athlete has faced criticism, particularly for her comments regarding Christianity. Earlier this year, she stirred controversy by mocking Christians, suggesting they have a “special place in hell.”

These remarks surfaced during a discussion about Rapinoe’s career-ending Achilles injury, where she lamented the situation while also injecting her trademark wit. Despite the backlash, Rapinoe defended her stance, portraying it as a humorous take rather than a malicious attack on religious beliefs.

Regardless of the controversy, Rapinoe and Bird remain undeterred in their mission to bring authentic stories to the screen. Their collaboration promises to challenge norms and inspire audiences, reflecting a cultural shift towards greater inclusivity and representation in media.

As the project gains momentum, it serves as a testament to the power of storytelling to bridge gaps and foster understanding, even in the face of controversy. With Rapinoe and Bird at the helm, the TV series is poised to make a lasting impact, resonating with viewers beyond the realm of sports.

In a society that often struggles with acceptance and diversity, Rapinoe and Bird’s initiative stands as a beacon of progress, paving the way for more inclusive narratives to emerge in mainstream media. As anticipation builds for the debut of “Cleat Cute,” it’s clear that Rapinoe and Bird are not just athletes but also trailblazers in the entertainment industry.