Most people have heard that Coca-Cola is a very strong beverage that can do amazing things not only to the human body but to ordinary objects.

It can be used to erode acid off of a battery connection, and it can clean a penny so that it’s shiny. There are a few other uses around the home for the soft drink that might surprise you.

You can use the drink to get blood stains out of clothes. The drink can be used to polish various metals, such as pennies or a tea kettle, giving the exterior a brilliant shine that many cleaners won’t achieve.

Pour Coca-Cola into the toilet, leave it for a few minutes, and flush to give the bowl a sparkling appearance.If you have oil stains in the garage, pour the drink on them before rinsing them away with a water hose.

The high amount of acids in the drink can kill slugs, snails and other pests that seem to invade the exterior of the home. Clean tile grout with Coca-Cola, or clean the surface of your counters as long as you make sure you rinse the drink to eliminate a sticky residue.

The drink also makes it easier to clean dirty pans if you pour it onto the pan and let it sit for a while before washing.