Paul Brockman idolizes his beloved wife, Margo. Together they reside in East Mesa, Arizona, and lead a generally unremarkable life – until recently. It appears that Paul has been passionately accumulating beautiful dresses for Margo throughout the duration of their marriage and beyond which ultimately captivated the attention of the media. In fact, he now proudly holds claim to possessing the most extensive collection of designer dresses across all four corners of the earth!
Paul stated, “Whenever I see a nice dress, I buy it. Because I never wanted my wife to wear a dress twice.”
Gentlemen, pay attention. Paul is a master at the art of gifting! His significant other could not be more pleased with his global shopping sprees for designer dresses – he absolutely knows what it takes to bring her joy.
Paul’s stunning array of gowns on display in the video is an absolute sight to behold. A truck full of bags chock-full with these exquisite dresses, each purchased by Paul for his beloved wife Margo during their marriage, brings admiration and awe. But one can only wonder at what cost? Yet somehow this couple manage to afford it all – a feat that no doubt would be envied across many households!
However, Margo was not particularly enthusiastic about the dresses. In fact, it was Paul who had more of an affinity for them than his wife; he chose to buy them mainly as a way to please himself rather than her – typical behavior expected from a man.
Margo stated, “I didn’t really know at first what he was doing. And every time I turned around, he had a new dress for me.”
Ever since he was a young man, Paul has been captivated by stunning dresses. Whenever he attended dances, he would seek out the woman dressed in the most exquisite gown and invite her to dance with him due to his admiration of her outfit.
The moment Paul laid his eyes on Margo, draped in her elegant dress, it was love at first sight. He knew instantly that he wanted to get to know her better and eventually asked her out – the rest is history!
Paul was driven by his passion for dancing and wanted Margo to look her best every time they went out on the dance floor. His enthusiasm only grew with each new dress he purchased; however, soon it became overwhelming as there were too many dresses for even Margo to wear in one lifetime! Every time they stepped out of their home together, Paul’s chest would swell with pride as she adorned herself in one of the high-quality gowns that had cost him a fortune.
He stated, “when you’re in love, you’re like a bat: You’re blind.”
Paul was a savvy shopper, able to find great deals on clothing from garage sales and estate sales. He’d snap up pre-loved dresses from the deceased, as well as occasionally splash out for something brand new from Sears.
In 2014, a driven Paul decided to fill the family’s garage with dresses. His wife Margo quickly ordered him to stop – nevertheless, he continued and eventually sold each dress so that their daughter could benefit from his hard work.