When you hear about the symptoms with a heart attack, you probably hear about chest pain and pain that is felt in the left arm.

While these are common, they usually aren’t what women experience before a heart attack occurs. After Carrie Fisher passed away on December 27, 2016 from complications as a result of a heart attack, doctors want women to know what to look for when it comes to warning signs.

About 43 percent of women don’t have any pain in the chest at all. Symptoms that include shortness of breath and a heavy weight on the chest are subtle. Most women experience fatigue a short time before the heart attack happens. They usually aren’t able to sleep and can sometimes feel an irregular heart rhythm.

Some women feel pain in the jaw and neck. Many women have indigestion. This is sometimes caused by the acid reflux that is experienced in the chest.

Other symptoms present like the flu. Many women think that they have the flu, which is why they don’t get the proper treatment before a heart attack occurs.

It’s often a silent killer for many women because the typical signs aren’t there that are seen in men.