Even though Caller ID can be useful for avoiding scammers, it’s not perfect. We often refuse to answer calls from unknown or unfamiliar numbers because we think it might be spam. We’ve all been there- you see a number on your phone that you don’t recognize, but you answer it anyways only to be blasted with white noise or an automated message.

The best way to handle a scammer or spam caller is by hanging up the phone, but that’s not always enough. More times than not, they’ll just keep calling back.

Some people have found ways to get the person on the other end of the phone to hang up long before they do. Not only are these techniques effective, but some of them are also funny. For example, one viral TikTok video recently surfaced that provides yet another way to quickly end spam calls.

TikToker Roy L Baker Jr’s voice is perfect for not only voiceover, but also getting spam callers to hang up. In his TikTok, he demonstrates how he uses his gift of gab to achieve the latter.

The phone rings and the person sees that it’s a possible spam call. As soon as they answer, they know exactly what to say so that everyone watching their TikTok will want to play back his or her TikTok when spammers call them in the future.

The TikTok below showcases when Baker Jr. says he gets a spam call.

@1roy_jr CIA Fraud Division Coming to a dial tone near you #fyp #foryou #myroyvoice #scam #extendedwarranty #stopcallin #deepvoice #prankwars #comedy #funny ♬ CIA Fraud Division – Roy L Baker Jr

One person said, “This would work if I had your voice.”

Another person added, “Can you make this without the music in front so I can save it and have it ready I’m tired of these calls?” He answered, “Done.” As you can see, there is no music playing when he talks on the phone.

What do you think of this way to end spam calls? Do share your thoughts in the comments! When you realize it’s a spam call, what do you usually do? Are you going to try playing along with this TikTok user next time?