The compelling case of Daniel Penny, entangled in the tragic subway chokehold incident that resulted in the untimely demise of Jordan Neely, continues to resonate deeply with people across the nation, as evidenced by the remarkable progress of his fundraiser. Surpassing the remarkable milestone of $1.8 million in donations, the “Legal Defense Fund” for Penny, a courageous 24-year-old former Marine charged with manslaughter, has struck a chord with countless individuals, rallying them to show their unwavering support.

Steven M. Raiser, Penny’s esteemed attorney, eloquently expressed the significance of this outpouring of generosity, stating, “The measure of support for Danny extends far beyond the financial contributions. It is truly remarkable that tens of thousands of individuals from all corners of the globe have taken the time to contribute. This overwhelming support not only stems from New Yorkers but reverberates throughout the entire nation, symbolizing the profound impact this incident has had on our collective psyche.”

Through this massive demonstration of solidarity, a resounding message is being sent—a resolute declaration that any attempt to undermine our inherent right and duty to protect one another against imminent threats shall be met with unwavering opposition. The surge of support serves as a testament to society’s resolute stance on upholding these fundamental values.

Penny’s recent indictment on second-degree manslaughter charges, following the tragic events that unfolded during a subway ride on the fateful day of May 1, has sparked intense public interest. However, as Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg strives to secure a grand jury indictment, Penny’s defense team remains steadfast in their commitment to ensuring a fair trial.

Penny’s legal representatives, who initiated the GiveSendGo campaign on his behalf, have fervently asserted that his intentions were not rooted in malice. Rather, they maintain that his actions were driven by a genuine desire to protect himself and his fellow straphangers from the threatening behavior exhibited by the unfortunate victim, Jordan Neely. It is their unwavering belief that Penny’s actions should be seen through the lens of self-defense rather than malevolence.

As the staggering sum of $1.4 million was raised by Saturday night, countless individuals left heartfelt messages of support, their thoughts filled with prayers for this former infantry squad leader. Admirers of Penny’s bravery hailed him as a hero, ardently advocating for his exoneration and emphasizing the importance of reclaiming our city from the grips of fear. Their profound appreciation for his noble attempt to assist others resonates powerfully in their messages, fervently pleading for him to be recognized as a savior rather than a perpetrator.

In stark contrast, Neely’s family, overwhelmed by grief, advocates for a more severe charge—murder. Their attorneys, Donte Mills and Lennon Edward, unequivocally assert that Penny made no attempt to aid Neely during the incident, emphatically stating, “You cannot ‘assist’ someone with a chokehold.” The divergence in perspectives underscores the complexity and emotional weight of the case, evoking impassioned debates on the blurred lines between protection and harm.

Captured on a bystander’s video, the haunting final moments of the confrontation unfolded before the eyes of the public. Penny’s arms wrapped tightly around the head of the homeless Neely, while fellow commuters bravely held his arms, collectively attempting to defuse the escalating situation. Witness testimonies reveal Neely’s erratic behavior and threats toward other passengers, ultimately prompting Penny to intervene.

It is important to note that Neely’s life was plagued by the burdensome weight of mental illness, as evidenced by his lengthy history and prior arrests. Tragically, the city medical examiner has ruled his death as a homicide, attributing it to the compression of the neck caused by the chokehold.