Arnold Diaz, the celebrated investigative reporter renowned for his Emmy-winning “Shame on You” segments, passed away at the age of 74, leaving behind a legacy of fearless journalism that brought justice to countless victims. His unwavering commitment to exposing wrongdoing has left an indelible mark on the world of investigative reporting.
Born in the heart of Brooklyn, Diaz’s journey into journalism was inspired by an innate desire to stand up for the little guy, to hold the powerful accountable, and to shine a spotlight on injustice. He honed his craft at Florida State University, earning a Bachelor’s Degree in Communication and Media Studies in 1971. His pursuit of truth led him to Northwestern University, where he earned a master’s degree in journalism, setting the stage for a remarkable career.
Diaz’s most iconic work came in the form of his “Shame on You” segments, which became a household name in New York City. These hard-hitting investigations brought to light a litany of abuses, from lousy landlords to greedy businesses and incompetent government agencies. With unwavering determination, Diaz tracked down and confronted the culprits on camera, delivering a public shaming that often resulted in the resolution of his victims’ problems.
Throughout his illustrious career, Diaz collected an impressive haul of 48 New York Emmys, a testament to his journalistic prowess and dedication. He was a familiar face on several major networks, including CBS2, Fox 5, ABC7, and PIX11, where he continued to make a difference with his relentless pursuit of truth.
Diaz once said, “Your anger can be a gift,” and indeed, his anger was a gift to the world. He fearlessly tackled issues that others shied away from, highlighting cases like a mailman charging welfare recipients for delivering their checks and a cab driver overcharging unsuspecting tourists. His work was the video equivalent of putting wrongdoers in the stocks of old town squares, allowing honest people to throw metaphorical rotten tomatoes at them.
One of his final reports for PIX11 exemplified his commitment to exposing injustice. He delved into the perilous situation of Spectrum wires hanging from a NYCHA development in Long Island City. These hanging wires posed serious safety risks, with the wind blowing them against residents’ windows, resulting in breakages and endangering lives.
Diaz’s dedication to his craft came with personal sacrifices, as he recalled being shoved, spat at, and even threatened with guns. Yet, he left the world of journalism with no regrets, knowing he had made a profound impact.
He leaves behind a loving family, survived by his wife, Shawn, three children, and twin grandsons. Diaz’s legacy lives on in the hearts of those he inspired and the countless individuals whose lives he changed through his fearless reporting.
As we bid farewell to this iconic investigative journalist, we remember Arnold Diaz not only for his remarkable career but for his unwavering commitment to justice, his unapologetic pursuit of truth, and his boundless courage in the face of adversity. His legacy will forever inspire a new generation of journalists to stand up for the voiceless and to hold the powerful accountable, carrying the torch he lit for a more just and equitable world.