In the world of dog training, opinions are as diverse as the breeds themselves. Garret Wing, the seasoned founder of American Standard Dog Training, recently took to TikTok to reveal the three dog breeds he wouldn’t personally own, and his choices might just raise a few eyebrows.

Wing, a Florida-based dog training guru with over two decades of law enforcement canine training experience, shared his candid insights into his world of furry companions. As the world of pet ownership continues to expand, Wing’s recommendations could serve as a valuable guide for potential dog owners.

**The Central Asian Shepherd – A Majestic Guardian**

Wing’s first entry on his list of “no-go” breeds is the Central Asian Shepherd, also affectionately known as the Alabai. In a TikTok video that garnered an astounding 25 million views since its posting in July, Wing points out, “The males can get over 170-plus pounds, and they’re great livestock guardians, but the problem is, I don’t have any livestock.”

With his characteristic humor, Wing raises a valid point for prospective pet parents. If your backyard isn’t a miniature farm, the Central Asian Shepherd might not be your ideal choice.

**Bloodhound – The Scent of Adventure**

Next up on the list is the Bloodhound, a breed known for its incredible scent-tracking abilities. However, Wing isn’t swayed by their tracking prowess; instead, he addresses a more fragrant issue. “The males can get up to 110 pounds,” he explained. “But it’s not the size that concerns me; it’s their oily skin.”

With a knowing grin, Wing highlights a unique challenge of owning a Bloodhound – their propensity to have an unmistakable odor. “That oily skin makes them stink like no other dog. I don’t care how many baths you give them; they just have a smell about them that’s hard to get rid of.”

Wing’s insight into the less glamorous side of pet ownership serves as a valuable reality check for those considering this breed.

**Chihuahua – The Pocket-Sized Dynamo**

The third and final breed on Wing’s list is the Chihuahua. “If I needed a 3-pound demon from the underworld that served no other purpose than to sit on my lap and bite anything that comes within 3 feet range of me, then I would get a Chihuahua, but it’ll be a hard pass for me on that one,” he confessed with a wink.

Wing’s humor shines through as he playfully describes the Chihuahua’s fiery personality and petite stature. While some Chihuahua enthusiasts may disagree, Wing’s lighthearted critique offers a glimpse into the breed’s spirited nature.

In the lively comments section of TikTok, users from around the world weighed in on Wing’s choices. Some agreed wholeheartedly, while others defended the breeds passionately, showcasing the vibrant online dog-loving community.

Wing’s video comes at an interesting time for the world of dog breeds. Just months ago, the French Bulldog took the crown as the most popular dog breed in the US, toppling Labrador Retrievers from their three-decade reign as the American Kennel Club’s favorite purebred.

“They’re comical, friendly, loving little dogs,” says Patty Sosa, spokesperson for the French Bull Dog Club of America, highlighting the ever-evolving tastes of dog owners and the dynamic nature of the pet industry.

As the world of canine companionship continues to evolve, Garret Wing’s insights remind us that each breed comes with its own set of quirks and considerations. Choosing the right furry friend is a personal journey, and Wing’s candid advice serves as a valuable resource for those embarking on that adventure. So, if you’re considering a new four-legged family member, take a moment to consider Wing’s wisdom and embark on your pet journey with confidence and a sense of humor.