A dog is a loyal and brave pet that is always ready to put their lives in danger for the sake of their humans. They are believed to be a source of security, especially at night when the family is sleeping. Since they are familiar with every family member, they will send signals that a stranger has invaded the property and the family may be in danger. Apart from those at your home as pets, others such as service dogs and police dogs are even found in gates of major shopping centers, schools, churches, and hospitals. Another dog category is known as War dogs, who are usually forgotten despite being the most courageous dogs in the whole universe. These dogs have a high ability to smell, thus helpful to soldiers while at war since they help them discover enemy hideouts. As a result, soldiers can never leave them behind when going to fight since they make perfect teammates.
The Soldier dogs are also used to guard base camps due to their extraordinary sense of smell, helping war soldiers detect an attacker invasion. Some are also coached to uncover snipers and underground bombs. While on war missions, these dogs can spot wounded soldiers in places that would be difficult for other soldiers to unearth. Although these army dogs are thought to be aggressive and horrifying, in reality, they are vital members of the war team and should therefore be awarded the respect and honor they deserve. Also, after they have retired from the army, people should be fighting to be given custody of them as a way of saying thank you for the many lives they saved. Kayla is one of the few soldier dogs that are fortunate to be adopted and taken care-of. She has been disabled in an effort to prevent the loss of human life.
One soldier named Julian McDonald is one of the few touched by the dog’s hard work. He adopted Kayla as a show of gratitude for saving his life and his colleagues from invader attacks despite her being badly wounded. This left her seriously wounded and minus one leg forcing Kayla to retire earlier than expected. During his interview, he says, “On the day Kayla got shot in May, I felt an urge to fix her. I owe this dog everything from this day here onwards”. Julian credits Kayla for saving him and swears to be there for her in her time of need with her son, mother, and the whole family. Reflecting on what happed that day, Julian feels indebted for taking care of Kayla and fought so hard for her custody despite people’s point of view that she is too aggressive. Kayla’s present at her new home made her very happy and proved that how people viewed her were mere perceptions, not who she really is. She has thus had a relationship with Julian’s less than two years old, Liam. On seeing Liam for the first time, Kayla went straight to Liam and laid on her back. On the other hand, Liam got at the top of the dog’s chest, touching her ears, inserting his palm in Kayla’s mouth, and she didn’t harm him. Kayla passed a clear message to those judging soldier dogs as aggressive and fail to adopt them based on this; that their type of work requires them to be aggressive to the enemy, but when off from duty, they are calm.