In the fast-paced world we live in, it’s easy to overlook the basics of self-care, but a recent viral video from dermatologist Lindsey Zubritsky, known as the Dermguru on TikTok, serves as a crucial reminder: your life could be at risk if you neglect to clean these three often-ignored body parts.

With over 3 million views, Zubritsky’s video has taken the internet by storm, drawing attention to the hidden dangers lurking behind our ears, in our belly buttons, and beneath our nails. So, let’s dive into these often-neglected areas that demand our hygiene attention.

**Behind the Ear**: Spot number one is behind the ear. Zubritsky warns, “If you put your finger behind your ear and you notice an odor or feel something, you should be washing it more.” This unassuming location can accumulate dandruff, sebum, and other head-based build-ups, creating a breeding ground for bacteria and unpleasant smells.

**The Belly Button**: The second most neglected spot is the belly button. Neglecting to clean it can lead to the development of an omphalolith, commonly known as a navel stone. Zubritsky explains, “This is a super common area to collect sweat, debris, and dirt buildup.” Neglecting this area could result in an unsightly and unhygienic navel stone, a dirty pebble-like monstrosity that no one wants.

**Underneath the Nails**: Lastly, we come to the often-overlooked area beneath our nails. Zubritsky emphasizes the need to scrub under your nails during your shower routine. Failure to do so can result in the accumulation of dirt, debris, and buildup. Ignoring these areas not only affects personal hygiene but can also have severe health consequences.

What might surprise you is that not cleaning these three areas properly could potentially turn you into a carrier of Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA), a bacteria resistant to several antibiotics. Untreated MRSA infections can lead to sepsis, a life-threatening response to infection. Symptoms of MRSA infection include swelling, warmth, redness, and pain.

Zubritsky’s video has prompted her followers to share their own experiences and cleaning habits. One follower proudly remarked, “Every day I’m reminded I’m cleaner than most people.” Another shared a cautionary tale, saying, “I was floored to see how many people did not wash their belly button…found out the hard way as an OR nurse.”

But Zubritsky isn’t the only one encouraging better hygiene habits among her TikTok followers. Last year, Dr. Jen Caudle shared her own list of body parts people tend to neglect when it comes to cleaning. She included Zubritsky’s three spots and added that people should not forget to wash their legs and toes. It’s a collective effort by healthcare professionals to ensure we all prioritize our health and hygiene.

In conclusion, while our daily routines can be hectic, taking a few extra moments to address these often-forgotten body parts can make a significant difference in our overall health and well-being. The message from dermatologists like Lindsey Zubritsky and Dr. Jen Caudle is clear: don’t ignore these crucial areas when it comes to your hygiene routine. Your life might just depend on it.