When most people drop their kids off at daycare, they do not think they will have to worry about their kids getting abused by the people there. Parents Deirdre and Jonathan got a call back in April of 18 where the Kansas PD told them they got a picture of their new daughter being abused by workers at their daycare. The call came from the DCF and the news first came to them when they were on a trip abroad. Needless to say, they were horrified to hear what was happening to Elora, their daughter who had just turned 6 months old. So they went to the DCF to see for themselves. At first, she could not believe it due to the fact that this type of thing does not typically transpire in daycare but then she took a gander at the photo and saw her being constricted by a hairband wrapped around the blanket in which she was sleeping. She had a million questions once she saw this but the first thing she did was a post about it on social media.
Taking to Facebook, she told the world about how her baby was all tied up and unable to move her arms or even roll over. She hopes that sending it out to the world, it will make other parents a lot more vigilant so that it will not happen to anyone else ever again. She closed out the post by telling them all to take care of their babies as much as they can. They later found out they were not the only ones who got the call about this type of abhorrent behavior. It was not long before their story caught fire and were even invited on TV to tell this story to anyone who would listen. When they were on this show, it was pointed out that you don’t have to be a doctor to know that constricting a kid is never a good thing. In fact, if you’re not careful, it could even lead to suffocation and this may result in death. This is why you need to know the right way to position them.
The people on the show went on to say that if you have an inkling that something may be amiss with your daycare, you should trust your instincts at every turn and try to get to the bottom of it. They also advised the audience to do their research on a daycare before you drop off their kids as this will give them a better idea of what they signed up for. It is not yet clear if they have pulled the kid out of this daycare but I think it’s a safe bet. The parents just hope that this will be a teachable moment for all parents all across the world and it is not yet clear if the daycare will face any legal suits for what they have done but it would not be a big surprise if they are staring down the barrel of a lawsuit at some point. Especially due to the fact that they are not cheap, parents should be able to drop their kids off without worrying about them getting abused by the workers there.