While there are many celebrities who are on Instagram almost every day, Angelina Jolie hasn’t posted as much as she has in the past. When Jolie decided to hop back onto Instagram, she made a post that was quite shocking to viewers. One of the things that fans know Jolie for would be her liberal views. She is among many people in Hollywood who share similar thoughts and feelings when it comes to politics. While other celebrities have been in President Biden’s corner, Jolie posted her disappointment in him. She shared that she’s “ashamed” of how President Biden has handled the withdrawal of troops from Afghanistan as well as the other issues that have taken place there.
When Jolie posted her thoughts on her account, she became one of the top celebrities to shatter a record on the social media platform by reaching over 1 million followers in just a few days. Shortly after that, she had over 7 million people following her. As more people see the post that she made, she gains more people who share similar views. A little over 2 million people started following her within about three hours of her post. There are very few people who have amassed even a fraction of those numbers and who have the courage to stand up for their beliefs while living among people who are on the opposite end of the spectrum when it comes to politics.
Jolie went to the Afghanistan border about two weeks before September 11 and talked with some of the refugees who wanted to leave and who had already somehow escaped from the Taliban. She met these people about 20 years ago before the World Trade Center was targeted. She is heartbroken to see that many of the people who are still there are still trying to get out of Afghanistan with no help in sight. They don’t know what’s going to happen or if they will even be alive by the end of the year. One of the things that hit hard with viewers is that there has been a substantial amount of money spent as well as time invested for there to be the enormous amount of bloodshed that has occurred. The process is a failure, and President Biden is one of the people responsible for how it was handled. Jolie often writes pieces for “Time Magazine.” One of her latest pieces talks about how the people in Afghanistan deserve better treatment and that more help should be provided for them, especially since the United States was supposed to have been helping with their government for 20 years. She has also made it clear that President Biden didn’t have a plan and didn’t follow a plan for a proper transition out of Afghanistan.