“There’s bodies everywhere. Adults and children. Come fast,” a Las Vegas resident, who sounded horrified, said during an emergency call after a criminal with an extensive rap sheet allegedly went through a red light. The collision happened on Commerce Avenue in Las Vegas resulting in death and significant injuries. “Oh my God. My God! Get down, it’s a kid, it’s a kid, Don’t look!” said a second caller.
The driver responsible for the nightmarish smash is believed to be Gary Robinson, a 59-year-old Las Vegas resident with a long criminal record who is notorious for speeding through the city. According to a police report, Robinson has a lengthy rap sheet and is recognized for speeding throughout the city. On Saturday, when he was driving at least one hundred miles per hour, his vehicle collided with another car. He had a lengthy history of speeding convictions and was driving so fast on the day of the accident that he killed people in his reckless motor vehicle.
Another worst-case scenario would be if a driver or passengers were killed in an accident. The collision also took the lives of a family of seven, which was very unfortunate. Fernando Yeshua Mejia, 5; Adrian Zacarias, 10; Lluvia Daylenn Zacarias, 13; Bryan Axel Zacarias, 15; Gabriel Mejia-Barrera, 23; David Mejia-Barrera, 25; and Jose Zacarias Caldera were among the dead.
The children who lost their lives in the van were not with their parents at the time of the accident. They were traveling with adult siblings and an uncle when it happened. The crash sadly killed them, and they were also separated from their parents during this tragic event.
After the accident, the Las Vegas 911 dispatcher office received over a dozen emergency calls reporting it. People on phone were terrified of what they had seen due to their knowledge that individuals had died.
“It’s a lot of people dead,” one terrified caller said to the911 dispatcher. “Inside the car, outside the car.”
A woman phoned the dispatcher to report that her child had been hurt as a result of the collision.
“Oh my God, is that a baby? Oh my God, is that a baby?” she said.
The dispatcher said: “What? What’s going on?”
The woman answered: “We need paramedics! There’s a baby! Oh my God!”
The dispatcher, once again, asked the caller for more information “What’s wrong with the baby?”
The woman answered: “I don’t know… It’s just an accident. I can’t explain it, please! Hurry!”
Unfortunately, the infant did not survive.
Gary Robinson was driving at a high rate of speed because he had an outstanding arrest warrant, according to police. Robinson’s fleeing led cops on a high-speed chase through the city after they tried to pull him over.
There are several ongoing investigations into the Las Vegas accident. Investigators are still examining the scene of the accident to make sure they have all the facts before filing any charges. This tragic event has left nine people dead and many more injured.
We are devastated for the families who have lost their loved ones in this tragic act of violence. We hope they will be able to grieve their loss with support from family and friends.