Pizza is an American tradition that goes up alongside baseball and apple pie. It was first introduced in America over 100 years ago, and the United States has since innovated the delicious pie with new styles, ingredients, and more. Pizza is perfect for a family meal when you don’t have time to cook, or if you’re feeling particularly tired after a long day at work. Pizza can be hand delivered straight to your door with very little notice, and having such premium, hot food brought directly to you is a simple but exquisite luxury many people take for granted. However, there is a downside to delivery pizza. The cardboard box that most pizzas are delivered within isn’t exactly saving the environment, and they are usually too large to properly fit in a trash can. Sure, they can be broken down and folded to make it easier to toss, but the boxes end up sitting beside the trashcan more often than not. Now there is a solution to this extreme waste that doesn’t involve cutting back on delicious pizza. An innovative Green Box has recently been released by ECO Inc, and it makes the traditional pizza box seem like a fantastic waste of material. The box appears no different than a standard pizza box at first glance, it is even costs exactly the same to produce. The difference is that the Green Box can be easily transformed from a large box into four small cardboard plates and a separate leftovers box about half the size of the original.

“I think this is a terrific idea. I just watched your interview on Shark Tank and I have an idea for overcoming one of the objections. It is not clear to the first time user how to tear and fold the box for subsequent use. Have you thought about illustrating the folding instructions onto the box? This works for frozen pizza packages and seems like a good illustrator would be able to convey instructions effectively with a small number of frames.

To the haters… millions of people order pizza and do not eat it all at one sitting. Refrigerators in millions of college dorm rooms have oversized boxes with a few pieces of left over pizza.

Other buyers who eat a piece at a time are attendees at corporate meetings and parties, where people typically eat a single piece at a time.

Great idea! Best wishes for success!?”