Many people experience unpleasant and debilitating anxiety attacks. During an attack, people can have trouble breathing and heart palpitations. There are many drugs on the market that reduce the symptoms of anxiety, but some people prefer not to take them. Fortunately, there are natural ways to stop an anxiety attack.Often an attack can be stopped by changing our breathing patterns. Gillian B, a yoga teacher, says that this practice is called pranayama.

This easy and free exercise can be done anywhere. It is beneficial to anxiety sufferers because it reduces tension and helps the person calm. It also helps reduce fatigue that often accompanies anxiety.


Even those who do not experience anxiety can benefit from pranayama, because it helps to clear blocked energy channels throughout the body.Pranayama, or breath practice, is basically alternate nostril breathing.


The person will close one nostril, while breathing deeply through the other. Then alternate. You can add a period of four seconds where both nostrils are closed. The next time you find yourself getting anxious, excuse yourself from a moment, and try this ancient practice. Repeating the breathing a few times should help to stop your anxiety attack, and you can go on about your business.