In a disheartening twist for Hollywood’s elite, renowned actor Tom Hanks and his wife, Rita Wilson, have recently become victims of a brazen burglary at their Los Angeles home. The high-profile break-in underscores a troubling rise in crime that seems to plague Governor Gavin Newsom’s California, leaving even the wealthy and powerful at the mercy of criminal elements.
According to reports, the burglary took place several weeks ago when thieves, unimpeded by the security system, smashed a glass window to gain entry into the guest house on the Hanks’ property. Despite setting off the alarm, the burglars swiftly bypassed the security measures. Fortunately, Tom Hanks and Rita Wilson were away at the time, and the intruders focused solely on the guest house, leaving the main residence untouched.
The incident is part of a disturbing trend in Los Angeles, where crime rates have soared under the current leadership. NBC Los Angeles recently highlighted a significant uptick in burglaries, with a 4% rise in such crimes reported. Los Angeles Police Chief Dominic Choi revealed that thieves are now targeting residential properties more frequently than businesses. By March, L.A. had already witnessed over 900 residential burglaries for the year, showcasing a dramatic increase in home invasions.
Chief Choi noted that these burglaries are becoming increasingly swift and sophisticated. “These are happening very quickly,” Choi explained. “We’re not seeing the entire house being ransacked.” The thieves seem to be experts at pinpointing valuable items and executing their crimes with precision. Their methods have become more refined, with burglars spending mere minutes inside the homes.
Another concerning development is the criminals’ ability to bypass security systems. “Burglars are going up to the panels and just turning the power off, then all their systems are down,” Choi added. Some criminals are using WiFi jammers to disable security cameras, making it nearly impossible to capture their illicit activities on film. The use of such tactics is a stark reminder of the vulnerabilities even the most advanced security systems face in today’s crime environment.
The rising crime rates in Los Angeles are not just affecting the wealthy. Actress Goldie Hawn, who has also been a victim of multiple home break-ins, has expressed her frustration and concern. Earlier this year, Hawn, 78, spoke candidly about her experiences, revealing that the rampant crime in L.A. has driven her to consider relocating. “What if we couldn’t live in LA, where would we live? We both decided, I think it’s Palm Desert. … It’s so safe,” Hawn said. Recalling one particular incident, she described the violation of her home: “We came back and went in the house. I went up to the stairs and I walked into my closet. I just lost it. They had broken in from the balcony to our bedroom, our closets.”
This growing crisis has prompted critical questions about the effectiveness of current leadership. Los Angeles Mayor Karen Bass has faced intense scrutiny over her administration’s handling of homelessness and crime. The city’s deteriorating safety situation reflects poorly on the broader Democratic leadership in California, who are struggling to address these pressing issues.
As the crime wave continues to sweep across California, the plight of celebrities like Tom Hanks and Rita Wilson serves as a stark reminder that the state’s safety challenges are far-reaching, affecting everyone regardless of status. The question remains: when will the state’s leaders step up and restore order?