It’s been said that pets are more than just something you own, they’re a part of the family. The veterinary pet care industry was worth $27.8 billion in 2016. 54.3% of cat-owning households make at least one trip to the vet each year.
Felines aren’t exactly excited about that. Cats can be super moody and don’t like people invading their personal space.
Unfortunately that’s the definition of a routine checkup. The best a vet can do is try to add some humor to the situation. A lot of vets put silly signs outside their practices.
Be prepared for some truly terrible (or, depending on your sense of humor, “pawsome”) puns.
Cats have a mind of their own.
The Holly Ridge Veterinary Hospital said that “Cat ears are designed to let the human voice go in one ear and out the other” and that “If cats could text you back, they wouldn’t”. It’s no wonder they’re so entitled.
As the hospital later commented, “In ancient times cats were worshiped as gods. They have not forgotten.” This superior attitude lends itself to a lot of viral videos. Do “cats spend half their lives asleep and the other half making popular videos”? The Carroll County Veterinary Clinic certainly thinks so.
You’ve probably seen more than a few of those viral hits yourself. Cats are just wily and super entertaining…except when it comes to bath time, that is. The Carroll County Veterinary Clinic also pointed out that “Bathing cats is a martial art”.
You have to be extremely careful that you don’t end up with any scratches.
After all, as the Petaluma Veterinary Hospital said, a cat tantrum is called “a hissy fit”.
They just want you to pay attention to them. The Frontier Veterinary Hospital made a sign that finally answered a critical question: “Why does your cat sit on your laptop? She’s helping you purrcrastinate”. Maybe that’s another tactic to prevent you from taking her to the vet.
You can’t move if you have to keep cuddling your kitty.
And then there are the puns. So, so many puns. Petaluma Veterinary Hospital made a sign that “Petting a cat will leave you feline good”.
It definitely does have soothing properties! What do you do if you have lots and lots of cats to deal with, though? The Holly Ridge Veterinary Hospital pointed out that a pile of cats is called a “meowtain”.
C’mon, that’s pretty clever, right? The popular book series about a human wizard at a magical boarding school has its feline equivalent. The Frontier Veterinary Hospital joked that the cat wizard’s name would be “Hairy Pawter”.
You might have missed a cat’s appearance in Star Wars: the Acton Animal Hospital hopes that everyone will “Live long and pawsper”.
A cat would never be spotted in the jungle, though. That’s because there are too many “cheetahs”.
We hope these signs inspire you to come up with some good cat jokes yourself. After this you just might be “feline” creative.
Our 20 Favorite Cat Joke Signs At Vet Clinics
Posted 3 years ago by Ben Turner